miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009


The Bocata Theory of Consciousness.

In the meanwhile our friend has deliciosuly decide to share our sensosphere with Maike Olfield, we have the rich pleasure to intrudice you, my friend and already almost crazy (=fuzzy) reader/inen, about this new Theory.

The Bocata Theory of Consciousness. , as wisdomly help to explain (and to imply-in) this capricious and spontaneous configuration for the term "Bocata" writen at the beginning of this sentence, imply at least three pieces or parts, in which we divide, or distinguish in, any possible system.

The Bocata Theory of Consciousness. is derivated from previous and multiple reflexions about two other Theories of Consciousness we have already developed.

Before The Bocata Theory of Consciousness. we have played with The Sandwich Theory of Consciousness.

The Sandwich Theory of Consciousness. have two different aceptions.

The Sandwich Theory of Consciousness. in its "personal-spatial" aception refer to the consideration of three pieces or parts in the system:
1. you, as human-animal-mammal subsystem,
2. bacterium, as the most simplex organism and
3. Gaia, as the biggest and neighboring autopoietic system.

With all the caudalous rivers of flamant scientific knowledge that you and me may easily obtain throughout thousand and thousands of very cheap different channels about these three concrete levels of the system we could call: Life; you and me only need to remember, from time to time, to play ping-pong, or billiard, with these three balls.

Because as good fuzzy system, life shows so many intricacies affecting simultaneously to any pair of these three subsystems;

that one day your senses discover that you also may "trans"-relate simultaneously all these three subsystems: 1., 2. and three: bacteria, hUmAn and GAIA.

We have a very good opportunity. It results that the most relevant bi@logist of twenty century have put, literally and through authorship' symbiosis, their blood across hundreds and hundreds of captivating pages where innovative and/or creative readers may find multiple vital connections that easily enforce our own (and inherently symbiotic) Consciousness Theories.

A change, now, in our focus point, permits us to consider easily the temporal dimension too.

The second modality of The Sandwich Theory of Consciousness. also refers to three parts or pieces, as subsystems considered in a system, Life, which is actually an indivisible system.

We may distinguish, at this moment, three temporal sections of a personal human living life. In this case, for its connections with the development of these theories, we choose our own life (54 yrs. old in the moment we begin to talk about this theory).

The creative strengh I am enjoining from last years, because working around Symbiodiversity, take me to discover that I was actually living my third 18 yr's section of my life.

I must recognize thousands people I have conversed with last four years. To "converse with" must be considered as talkativeness, where the complex (simplex) language developed from "Zimby", get out from my mouth at a speed and semantic diversity which were ever increasing.

Apart from my legendary habit (mainly from the beginning of my generalist living cycle) constructed from so many conversations with people at university, the last 4 years can be characterised with a very significative increase in the density and diversity of these monologue type conversations.

Because after the "05 crisis", we spontaneously choose to increase communication with very different people in the streets and bars, and including many unknown people.

You know, faculty people sometimes (as my own case) seems very isolated at their towers , without significative contacts with a very important part of population.

Sensosphere, as simbiodiversity, have being, in last four years, recreated (and experimented: action-research) across all these monologue-type conversations. Of course, without Sensosphere in mind, it would be very easy to conclude that all these conversations have been so uni-directional that lack interest about their practical results.

Generally the subjects treated, and the way treating them, in these monologue-type conversations easily produce a process of Abduction in the people hearing.


(I add these two lists because I was surprised of that dictionary abduction absence)

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