Surface-coil spin-echo localization in vivo via ... - Traducir esta páginade W Chen - 1989 - Citado por 13 - Artículos relacionadosSurface-coil spin-echo localization in vivo via inhomogeneous surface-spoiling magnetic gradient. Wei Chen,; Joseph J.H Ackerman. Department of Chemistry ...“non-echo” localization method for in vivo NMR spectroscopy esta páginade IY Choi - 2000 - Citado por 56 - Artículos relacionados1/9/2000 - Single-shot, three-dimensional “non-echo” localization method for in vivo NMR spectroscopy. In-Young Choi,; Ivan Tkáč and; Rolf Gruetter*.[Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of ... - Traducir esta páginade J Stocker - 1977Union Med Can. 1977 Aug;106(8):1161-3. [Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester]. [Article in French]. Stocker J ...- [PDF]
Single-Shot, Three-Dimensional “Non-echo” Localization ... esta páginade IY Choi - 2000 - Citado por 56 - Artículos relacionadosthree-dimensional “non-echo” localization method with re- duced sensitivity to spatial B1 variation, which is suitable for measuring signals with very short T1 or... Echo-time independent signal modulations for strongly ... › InfoscienceTraducir esta páginade N Kickler - 2010 - Citado por 3 - Artículos relacionados16/12/2011 - Echo-time independent signal modulations for strongly coupled systems in triple echo localization schemes: An extension of S-PRESS editing.Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of ...[Usefulness_of_plac...Traducir esta páginaPubMed journal article [Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester was found in Unbound MEDLINE. Download ...[Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of ... - Traducir esta páginaPublication » [Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester]..problem with Echo.Localization - Google Groups esta página2/4/2011 - hi everyone! im trying to implement "Echo.Localization.extend" described here ...- [PDF]
Short-echo spin-echo localization MRSI in gliomas at 7 Tesla esta páginade Y Li - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados4094. Short-echo spin-echo localization MRSI in gliomas at 7 Tesla. Y. Li1, A. P. Chen2, P. Larson1, E. Ozhinsky1, J. M. Lupo1, D. Xu1, and S. J. Nelson1,3. Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases ... - PhDTree esta páginaUsefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester. J. Stocker, M. Bureau, N. Cassar, P. Noël, A. Deleon, P. Desjardins.Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of ... esta páginaUsefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester. MedLine Citation: PMID: 562016 Owner: NLM Status: MEDLINE.Echolocalization - OoCities esta páginaEnglish · Português · Contact. setstats. 1. This Page is an outdated, user-generated website brought to you by an archive.It was mirrored from Geocities at the ... [Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of ... - Traducir esta página[Usefulness of placental echolocalization in cases of hemorrhage in the 3d trimester]. Author. Stocker, J · Bureau, M · Cassar, N · Noël, P · deLeon, A · Desjardins ...- [PDF]
Radiofrequency Pulses In Spin Echo Localization ... esta páginaIn Spin Echo Localization Sequences. For In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy. GUNTHER HELMS. Ph.D. Thesis. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Göttingen 1994. Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands - Traducir esta páginaRobert A. Sofferman, Anil T. Ahuja - 2012 - MedicalEcholocalization (the application of directional sound and reflection to detect objects and measure distances to them) is the term initially applied to nautical ...Translate echolocalization from English to Spanish esta páginaLearn how to translate echolocalization from English to Spanish at echolocalization的例句 - 句子在线翻译 - 海词词典 esta página海词句海为广大英语学习爱好者提供echolocalization的例句、echolocalization的翻译、echolocalization的例句翻译、echolocalization的句子翻译、echolocalization... Vocabulari de neurociència Valero Cabré - 2004677 • echolocalization n, 678 • echopraxia n, 679 • ECT n, 1938 • ectonucleotidase n, 680 • EEG n, 688 • effective stimulus n, 769 • efferent n, 683 • electric ...Binaural Neurons in the Mustache Bat's Inferior Colliculus ... esta páginade JJ Wenstrup - 1988 - Artículos relacionadosThese physiological studies suggest some directions for the behavioral study of echo localization. Page %P. Loading... Close Plain text. Animal Sonar Lookecholocalization是什么意思_ echolocalization翻译_ ... - Traducir esta páginaecholocalization是什么意思, echolocalization翻译, echolocalization解释,什么是echolocalization, 解释:回声定位.PowerPoint Slides (Updated July 23, 01) esta páginaProperties of best basis functions. Comparison with Wavelet functions. Bat sonar echo localization (Simulated). Time in microSec. Dolphin vs. Broad Band sonar.Dumpshock Forums > Seeing in the dark › ... › ShadowrunTraducir esta página26/10/2008 - 11 entradas - 5 autoresOther systems to see in darkness are ultrasound echolocalization. Ultrasound systems take advantage of nanotechnology and computer to ...Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: Expert ... - Traducir esta páginaGregory W. Randolph - 2012 - MedicalDolphins and other odontocetes such as toothed whales emit single high' frequency clicks for echolocalization.2 Many other animals, including bats, owls, and ...Quantum Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnostics of Human ... - Traducir esta páginaMadan M Kaila, Rakhi Kaila - 2010 - MedicalThe acquisition was a single 50-ms spin-echo localization, achieved through 10-mm slice selection and two dimensions (32332) of rectangular phase encoding. Beyond Conceptual Dualism: Ontology of Consciousness, ... - Traducir esta páginaGiuseppe Vicari, Francesc Forn i Argimon - 2008 - PhilosophyThis expert could give a complete reconstruction of the functioning of the echolocalization system allowing these animals to have a complete orientation in the ...Auditory Physiology - Traducir esta páginaAage Moller - 1982 - ScienceThat may be why bats use them for echolocalization. (There are also bats that are called CF bats because they use continuous tones. For these bats, the doppler ...Paradigms of Neural Injury - Traducir esta página1996 - MedicalIn Vivo 31P MRS Using Spin-Echo Localization Technique Spectroscopy and imaging are performed with a General Electric 1.5-T Signa System.Echolocalization - Reocities - Traducir esta páginaReocities · Home · Neighborhoods · Making Of. If you like the project you can donate bitcoins to: 1E8rQq9cmv95CrdrLmqaoD6TErUFKok3bF ...echolocalization是什么意思_echolocalization成语出处_ ... esta página海词汉语频道为广大中文用户提供echolocalization是什么意思、echolocalization的成语出处、echolocalization的成语故事、echolocalization的例句,更多成语请到海 ...gráficos tangibles y orientación en el invidente - Psicothema possibilities of the different sensory sources available to blind people (low visión, sonority sources, echolocalization and acoustic shadows, haptic perception, ...
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Ecolinguistic Activism through Acoustic Ecology...
(From ecolinguistics mailing list...)
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Hello! I recently completed a thesis entitled *Að Jökla: Ecolinguistic Activism through Acoustic Ecology, Countermapping, Travel Wreading, and Conversations with Landscapes*. Though I've marked the thesis as closed to the public for now, if anyone on the ecolinguistics listserv would like to access it, I would be happy to arrange that for you. An abstract is below. Warmth, Angela Rawlings -- This thesis explores the potential for ecolinguistic activism to act as a gateway for experiential learning via the generation of site-dependent artwork related to place—specifically, glaciers in Iceland. Through the exploration of non-conventional pedagogy within an artist’s context, the relationship between humans and glaciers unfolds in multidisciplinary art documenting long-term engagement with soundscapes, countermapping, travel wreading, and conversations with landscapes. Acoustic ecology provides sound education exercises through ear cleaning, soundwalks, and vocal improvisation, resulting in the participant’s increased awareness of listening as both sensorial practice and as comprehension. Countermapping and travel wreading offer non-conventional modes of dwelling within language and literature. Attempted conversations with landscapes situate the participant within a theatre of the rural, in which reciprocal perception shifts the relatability of linguistic category, emotional connection, and utility. The thesis’ main conclusion is that autoethnographic methodology demonstrates the effectiveness of pedagogy focused on transformative action, and documentation of art-making processes offers repeatable models that may result in action competence with the power to alter a person’s notion of herself as a place-maker and of her interconnectedness with ecosystems in flux.
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I think wikipedia wrongnesss is about confusing "localization" and "location";
Echolocation is a overall way of method towards a global acoustical understanding of place, of the place we occupy inside a dynamic three dimensional space
Localization of "objects" is only a partial work inside Echolocation.
We would use "ECHOLOCALIZATION" for that partial wikipedia focus of localizing only a partial part of all the acoustical landscape, that is certain physical objects present inside or within the landscape or ecosystem.
Etymologies below seem to put more clearness in these facts...:)
Curiously Google seems to ignore "echolocalization", sending to the reader towards: "Echolocation":
But here what you could find through "advanced search":
from wikipedia:
Human echolocation is an ability of humans to detect objects in their environment by sensing echoes from those objects. By actively creating sounds – for example, by tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot, snapping their fingers, or making clicking noises with their mouths – people trained to orientate with echolocation can interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects, accurately identifying their location and size. This ability is used by some blind people for acoustic wayfinding, or navigating within their environment using auditory rather than visual cues. It is similar in principle to active sonar and to animal echolocation, which is employed by various groups including bats, dolphins and toothed whales.
- echolocation (n.)
- 1944, from echo (n.) + location.
- locate (v.)
- 1650s, "to establish oneself in a place, settle," from Latin locatus, past participle of locare "to place, put, set, dispose, arrange," from locus "a place" (see locus). Sense of "mark the limits of a place" (especially a land grant) is attested from 1739 in American English; this developed to "establish (something) in a place" (1807) and "to find out the place of" (1882, American English). Related: Located; locating.
- location (n.)
- "position, place," 1590s, from Latin locationem (nominative locatio), noun of action from past participle stem of locare (see locate); Hollywood sense of "place outside a film studio where a scene is filmed" is from 1914.
- localization (n.)
- 1811, noun of action from localize.
- localize (v.)
- 1792, from local + -ize. Related: Localized; localizing.
- local (adj.)
- "pertaining to position," late 14c. (originally medical, "confined to a particular part of the body"), from Old French local (13c.) and directly from Late Latin localis "pertaining to a place," from Latin locus "place" (see locus). The meaning "limited to a particular place" is from c.1500. Local color is from 1721, originally a term in painting; meaning "anything picturesque" is from c.1900.
- local (n.)
- early 15c., "a medicament applied to a particular part of the body," from local (adj.). Meaning "inhabitant of a particular locality" is from 1825. The meaning "a local train" is from 1879; "local branch of a trade union" is from 1888; "neighborhood pub" is from 1934.
- echo (n.)
- mid-14c., "sound repeated by reflection," from Latin echo, from Greek echo, personified in classical mythology as a mountain nymph who pined away for love of Narcissus until nothing was left of her but her voice, from or related to ekhe "sound," ekhein "to resound," from PIE *wagh-io-, extended form of root *(s)wagh- "to resound" (cognates: Sanskrit vagnuh "sound," Latin vagire "to cry," Old English swogan "to resound"). Related: Echoes. Echo chamber attested from 1937.
- echo (v.)
- 1550s (intrans.), c.1600 (trans.), from echo (n.). Related: Echoed; echoing.
- echovirus (n.)
- also ECHO virus, 1955, acronym for enteric cytopathogenic human orphan; "orphan" because when discovered they were not known to cause any disease.
- echolocation (n.)
- 1944, from echo (n.) + location.
- echolalia (n.)
- "meaningless repetition of words and phrases," 1876, from German (von Romberg, 1865), from Greek ekho (see echo (n.)) + lalia "talk, prattle, a speaking," from lalein "to speak, prattle," of echoic origin.
- echopraxia (n.)
- "meaningless imitation of the movements of others," 1902, from Greek ekho (see echo (n.)) + praxis "action" (see praxis).
- echoic (adj.)
- 1880; see echo (n.) + -ic. A word from the OED.
Onomatopoeia, in addition to its awkwardness, has neither associative nor etymological application to words imitating sounds. It means word-making or word-coining and is strictly as applicable to Comte's altruisme as to cuckoo. Echoism suggests the echoing of a sound heard, and has the useful derivatives echoist, echoize, and echoic instead of onomatopoetic, which is not only unmanageable, but when applied to words like cuckoo, crack, erroneous; it is the voice of the cuckoo, the sharp sound of breaking, which are onomatopoetic or word-creating, not the echoic words which they create. [James A.H. Murray, Philological Society president's annual address, 1880]
- re-echo (v.)
- 1580s, from re- + echo (v.). Related: Re-echoed; re-echoing.
- bound (v.2)
- "to leap," 1580s, from French bondir "to rebound, resound, echo," from Old French bondir "to leap, rebound; make a noise, beat (a drum)," 13c., ultimately "to echo back," from Vulgar Latin *bombitire "to buzz, hum" (see bomb (n.)), perhaps on model of Old French tentir, from Vulgar Latin *tinnitire.
- repercussion (n.)
- early 15c., "act of driving back," from Middle French répercussion (14c.) or directly from Latin repercusionem (nominative repercussio), from past participle stem of repercutere "to strike or beat back; shine back, reflect; echo," from re- "back" (see re-) + percutere "to strike or thrust through" (see percussion). Meaning "reverberation, echo" first recorded 1590s; the metaphoric extension is recorded from 1620s.
- ZIP (adj.)
- 1963, in U.S. postal ZIP code, an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan, no doubt chosen with conscious echo of zip (v.1).
- hot dog
- also hotdog, "sausage on a split roll," c.1890, popularized by cartoonist T.A. Dorgan. It is said to echo a 19c. suspicion (occasionally justified) that sausages contained dog meat. Meaning "someone particularly skilled or excellent" (with overtones of showing off) is from 1896. Connection between the two senses, if any, is unclear. Hot dog! as an exclamation of approval was in use by 1906.
- yawp (v.)
- c.1300, yolpen, probably echoic variant of yelpen (see yelp). Related: Yawped; yawping. The noun, in reference to speech, is recorded from 1835, now used chiefly in conscious echo of Whitman (1855).
- madding (adj.)
- present participle adjective from obsolete verb mad "to make insane; to become insane" (see madden); now principally in the phrase far from the madding crowd, title of a novel by Hardy (1874), who lifted it from a line of Gray's "Elegy" (1749), which seems to echo a line from Drummond of Hawthornden from 1614 ("Farre from the madding Worldling's hoarse discords").
- resonance (n.)
- mid-15c., in acoustics, "prolongation of sound by reverberation;" 1660s, "act of resonating;" from Middle French resonance (15c.), from Latin resonantia "echo," from resonare "to sound again" (see resound). Earlier in same sense was resonation (early 15c.).
- reverberate (v.)
- 1570s, "beat back, drive back, force back," from Latin reverberatus, past participle of reverberare "strike back, repel, cause to rebound" (see reverberation). Meaning "re-echo" is from 1590s. Earlier verb was reverberen (early 15c.). Related: Reverberated; reverberating.
- bitch (v.)
- "to complain," attested at least from 1930, perhaps from the sense in bitchy, perhaps influenced by the verb meaning "to bungle, spoil," which is recorded from 1823. But bitched in this sense seems to echo Middle English bicched "cursed, bad," a general term of opprobrium (as in Chaucer's bicched bones "unlucky dice"), which despite the hesitation of OED, seems to be a derivative of bitch (n.).
- catechesis (n.)
- from Greek katekhesis "instruction by word of mouth," from katekhein "to instruct orally," originally "to resound" (with sense evolution via "to sound (something) in someone's ear; to teach by word of mouth." From kata- "down" (in this case, "thoroughly") + ekhein "to sound, ring," from ekhe "sound," from PIE *(s)wagh- "to resound" (see echo (n.)). Related: Catachectic; catachectical.
- sough (v.)
- "to make a moaning or murmuring sound," Old English swogan "to sound, roar, howl, rustle, whistle," from Proto-Germanic *swoganan (cognates: Old Saxon swogan "to rustle," Gothic gaswogjan "to sigh"), from PIE imitative root *(s)wagh- (cognates: Greek echo, Latin vagire "to cry, roar, sound"). The noun is late 14c., from the verb.
- resound (v.)
- late 14c., resownen, from Old French resoner "reverberate" (12c., Modern French résonner), from Latin resonare "sound again, resound, echo," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + sonare "to sound" (see sonata). Spelling influenced from mid-15c. by sound (v.). Related: Resounded; resounding.
- reverberation (n.)
- late 14c., "reflection of light or heat," from Old French reverberacion "great flash of light; intense quality," from Medieval Latin reverberationem (nominative reverberatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin reverberare "beat back, strike back, repel, cause to rebound," from re- "back" (see re-) + verberare "to strike, to beat," from verber "whip, lash, rod," related to verbena "leaves and branches of laurel," from PIE *werb- "to turn, bend" (see warp (v.)). Sense of "an echo" is attested from 1620s.
- meme (n.)
- 1976, introduced by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene," coined by him from Greek sources, such as mimeisthai "to imitate" (see mime), and intended to echo gene.
We need a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. 'Mimeme' comes from a suitable Greek root, but I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like 'gene'. I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme. If it is any consolation, it could alternatively be thought of as being related to 'memory', or to the French word même. It should be pronounced to rhyme with 'cream'. [Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene," 1976]
- acronym for sealed with a kiss, attested from 1911, in a legal publication quoting a letter from 1909:
"... Well Kid I don't know nothing else to say only that I hope to see your sweet face Sat. Good by from your Dear Husban to his sweet little wife. P. S. excuse bad writing and mispelled words take all mistakes as kisses. S.W.A.K. * * *" This letter was postmarked at Des Moines October 20, 1909, addressed to Carrie Sprague at Jefferson, Iowa, and reached the latter place October 21, 1909. [State v. Manning (a conspiracy-to-lure-women-to-prostitution case), Supreme Court of Iowa, Nov. 16, 1910, reported in "Northwestern Reporter," Volume 128, 1911]
Popularized in soldiers' letters home in World War I. It probably is meant also to echo the sound of a kiss. Compare Middle English swack "a hard blow" (late 14c.). - ch
- digraph used in Old French for the "tsh" sound. In some French
dialects, including that of Paris (but not that of Picardy), Latin ca- became French "tsha." This was introduced to English after the Norman Conquest, in words borrowed from Old French such as chaste, charity, chief (adj.). Under French influence, -ch- also was inserted into Anglo-Saxon words that had the same sound (such as bleach, chest, church) which in Old English still was written with a simple -c-, and into those that had formerly been spelled with a -c- and pronounced "k" such as chin and much.
As French evolved, the "t" sound dropped out of it, so in later loan-words from France ch- has only the sound "sh-" (chauffeur, machine (n.), chivalry, etc.).
It turns up as well in words from classical languages (chaos, echo, etc.). Most uses of -ch- in Roman Latin were in words from Greek, which would be pronounced correctly as "k" + "h," as in blockhead, but most Romans would have said merely "k." Sometimes ch- is written to keep -c- hard before a front vowel, as still in modern Italian.
In some languages (Welsh, Spanish, Czech) ch- can be treated as a separate letter and words in it are alphabetized after -c- (or, in Czech and Slovak, after -h-). The sound also is heard in more distant languages (as in cheetah, chintz), and the digraph also is used to represent the sound in Scottish loch. - schmuck (n.)
- also shmuck, "contemptible person," 1892, from East Yiddish shmok, literally "penis," probably from Old Polish smok "grass snake, dragon," and likely not the same word as German Schmuck "jewelry, adornments," which is related to Low German smuck "supple, tidy, trim, elegant," and to Old Norse smjuga "slip, step through" (see smock).
In Jewish homes, the word was "regarded as so vulgar as to be taboo" [Leo Rosten, "The Joys of Yiddish," 1968] and Lenny Bruce wrote that saying it on stage got him arrested on the West Coast "by a Yiddish undercover agent who had been placed in the club several nights running to determine if my use of Yiddish terms was a cover for profanity." Euphemized as schmoe, which was the source of Al Capp's cartoon strip creature the shmoo.
"[A]dditional associative effects from German schmuck 'jewels, decoration' cannot be excluded (cross-linguistically commonplace slang: cf. Eng. 'family jewels')" [Mark R.V. Southern, "Contagious Couplings: Transmission of Expressives in Yiddish Echo Phrases," 2005]. But the English phrase refers to the testicles and is a play on words, the "family" element being the essential ones. Words for "decoration" seem not to be among the productive sources of European "penis" slang terms. - stick (v.)
- Old English stician "to pierce, stab, transfix, goad," also "to remain embedded, stay fixed, be fastened," from Proto-Germanic *stik- "pierce, prick, be sharp" (cognates: Old Saxon stekan, Old Frisian steka, Dutch stecken, Old High German stehhan, German stechen "to stab, prick"), from PIE *steig- "to stick; pointed" (cognates: Latin instigare "to goad," instinguere "to incite, impel;" Greek stizein "to prick, puncture," stigma "mark made by a pointed instrument;" Old Persian tigra- "sharp, pointed;" Avestan tighri- "arrow;" Lithuanian stingu "to remain in place;" Russian stegati "to quilt").
Figurative sense of "to remain permanently in mind" is attested from c.1300. Transitive sense of "to fasten (something) in place" is attested from late 13c. Stick out "project" is recorded from 1560s. Slang stick around "remain" is from 1912; stick it as a rude item of advice is first recorded 1922. Related: Stuck; sticking. Sticking point, beyond which one refuses to go, is from 1956; sticking-place, where any thing put will stay is from 1570s. Modern use generally is an echo of Shakespeare.
- echo (n.)
- local (adj.)
- localize (v.)
- localization (n.)
- location (n.)
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