miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

HUMAN echolocation IN guglesfera

Human echolocation shows the crude reality of the decrease in THE AWARENNESS OF our innate sensorial abilities, by a process of codomestication based on Abduction type 1.0 (patriarchy), as you can see each day, for example in "Lectures-Only" anachronic, but almost universal, classrooms. You are a echolocator too. Please speak aloud near a wall, and you will hear, feel, the waves coming, reflecting, from the wall across your hears, and your body. But wikipedia, and several scientists, that speak about echolocation, reduce the echolocation abilities to some "gifted" humans!
Echolocation represents the new saga of scientific discoveries by the magics of today 2.0 World, where the role of formal science circuits is coming deniable. Discoveries without author. Collective siecntific discoveries dismantling both, the old science patriarcal power, and the autolimitation epistemology imposed by today almost extinct reductionism.

Echolocation is a characteristic of the ecosystem, we are co-participants flowing across ecosystems. Movement is basical to practise echolocation. As in these High Atlas Amazigh Dances in the VIDEO. Darwin would say that today Amazigh, Danzing communities, are more eficient than ours sedentary societies, just they acumulated periodicaly more information from the community and ecosystem than ours.

THE LIST of results ("invited search") BELOW IS a little "old".


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Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 84.800 de HUMAN echolocation. (0,51 segundos)

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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Human echolocation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Human echolocation is the ability of humans to sense objects in their environment by hearing echoes from those objects. This ability is used by some blind ...
    Background - Mechanics - Notable individuals who employ ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_echolocation - En caché - Similares
  2. Humans With Amazing Senses - ABC News

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    9 Aug 2006 ... Fourteen-year-old Ben Underwood of Sacramento, Calif., is one of the few people known to use echolocation as a primary means of navigating ...
    abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=2283048&page=1 - Similares
  3. The Boy Who Sees with Sound - Human Echolocation by D a r i n a ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Read D arina's latest blog entry titled The Boy Who Sees with Sound - Human Echolocation on Gaia Community.
    joybringer.gaia.com/.../the_boy_who_sees_with_sound_-_human_echolocation - En caché - Similares
  4. The Splintered Mind: Human Echolocation

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Human Echolocation. Can you echolocate? -- that is, hear the locations and properties of silent objects by noticing how sound reflects off ...
    schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/.../human-echolocation.html - En caché - Similares
  5. Human Echolocation - Associated Content

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    26 Oct 2006 ... Besides the standard tools of navigation the blind use, such as a cane or a seeing-eye dog, some blind people have been able to master a ...
    www.associatedcontent.com/.../human_echolocation.html - En caché - Similares
  6. [PDF]

    Human Echolocation and Self-Knowledge

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    The Case of Human Echolocation. In “What Is It Like to Be a Bat? ..... Listeners”; Thomas A. Stoffregen and John B. Pittenger, “Human Echolocation as a ...
    cogprints.org/1491/0/Echo000925.pdf - Similares
    de E Schwitzgebel - Citado por 13 - Artículos relacionados - Las 7 versiones
  7. Echo vision: The man who sees with sound - life - 14 April 2009 ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    14 Apr 2009 ... I am 6 years old and it's my first day at school. The bell rings for recess and all my classmates run gleefully away. ...
    www.newscientist.com/.../mg20227031.400-echo-vision-the-man-who-sees-with-sound.html - En caché - Similares
  8. Scientists Develop Echolocation In Humans To Aid The Blind

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Another of the team's research areas involves establishing the biological limits of human echolocation ability, “and the first results indicate that ...
    www.sciencedaily.com/.../06/090630075445.htm - En caché - Similares
  9. Mind Hacks: Human echolocation and blind mountain biking

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Rosenblum has studied human echolocation in the lab and has shown that we all have some ability to get an idea of the spatial layout of our ...
    www.mindhacks.com/.../human_echolocation_a.html - En caché - Similares
  10. Investigaciones argentinas sobre ecolocación humana

    ARIAS, C. (1989) Human echolocation: Studies of the obstacle-perception process in visually impaired people. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 83, ...
    www.icevi.org/publications/icevix/.../0002.html - En caché - Similares

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