miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Human Echolocation in Wikipedia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, but as for the meaning too narrow of synesthetics, here also the term is narrowly definde.

Because all people use the echolocation.............

Try to make this "mental" experiment.

Imagine you comes from Malaga feria in the midle of trhe night.

Your home companions have just added some big "artilugio" that is now occupying, for first time, a notorius big space in your own room.

You arrive at home, and yo entry at your room on the shadows, without turning on light.

In one moment you are (without to be aware) very near of the "artilugio", and you make some sound with your mouth, and, only from this exact moment, you are aware of the presence of this big body in your room, because at the same time you are going to remember that this "artilugio" were going to be purchased by your friends...

You would imagine that everyday you are living, you are actualy inside a swimming pool. But the swimmimng pool is mainly moreorless plenty of air, not water.

Waves and more waves are always "modeling" your own body-three-dimensional-body-contour, as any object in ecosystem.

And you ARE actualy AWARE of many of that hiperdiversity of information that by belonging to biological-systems-club, you are receiving and interacting with, every instant of your own life.

In this way is how you becomes actualy aware of being living a life by, and throughout. yor own.

You will be also aware of actual poorness of information society in relation with your own and biologicaly adquired big sensorial capacities.

And you will wonders about the level of the capricious oppresion system of monoteistic, bipolar, idolizant way of life ¿But it was life?

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