sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

P3P: People-and-the-Three-Paradise-System

A Jorge y mis amigos en el Congreso Terenal de la UMMA (Congreso de TERENA en la UMA) (I use double "M" to take the arabic term for "Community" and "Mother").

In system thinking we move across embodied systems. All systems are interdependent Holons.

I visited TERENA Congress en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga and made some personal contacts. I thought to prepare a small report to disseminate there. Here there are these ideas...

Reality is a net of networks. Systemic thinking has aided very much to understand the interrelationships in this world at any level. In fact today systemic theories and discoveries have reached the critical mass for the long-hoped restructuring of knowledge and discipline system.

Today the problem is not to build more and more (systemic) theories. The only systemic actual problem is to be aware that the strong development of systemic theories within the multiparticulate disciplines, or scientific fields of knowledge, has already reached the critical mass for a systemic understanding of 21 century science.

We chose here an example of the kind of integration process we make for a systemic transdisciplinary comprehension.

We have three "paradises":
1) The Classroom for sessions of Terena Congress in Facultad de Derecho
2) The Hall of Facultad de Derecho
3) The Outdoor Space going out from Facultad de Derecho

1) In the first case, in the Classroom, people is aware of the networks, because they are working in telematic networks, and in this classroom all speakers were talking and sharing explicitedly their knowledge about networks.

2) The coffee-breaks imply a second level of networking. Participants are coming to the wide hall of Facultad de Derecho, where social (body-to-body) interrelationships mark another kind of networking: Body-to-Body Social Networking.

3) Finally, crossing the main door we reach an open space: Ootdoors. The Campus de Teatinos of Universidad de Málaga is situated in the Guadalhorce Basin. We observe a very wide landscape. The Sea beyond the city, and different mountains, as Cerro s. Antón (to south-east) and Sierra de las Nieves (to north-west).

From 1) to 3) the complexity is increasing. In the Classroom silence of most of participants is a need to understand the issues. In the Hall people can talk among themselves, as a good complement for their knowledge in networking. Outdoors, cars and birds compose the main sounds yo can heard.

Of course Terena Congress participants work mainly in telematic networking. But they also participate in other network systems. They participate in the social (body-to-body) network, and in the Sensosphere network. These two implicit levels of network interaction are present in the everiday life of our participants. The point here is to be aware of our human networking capabilities beyond the telematic network.

We are humans. Humans are animals. Humans are Mammals characterised by the powerful development of their sensorial systems. For this reason, the need of complementarity among the diferent set of networks, must take in account that telematic networks are only a piece of the game.

In telematic networking you also use your sensorial systems. Of course. But our sensorial systems are a powerfull tool that need to be included in all our models about networking. Our proposal is to distinguish among these three systems ("paradise"), because people working in telematic networks, if they want to take in account our characteristics as Humans, they must take in account the other levels of communication.

Sensosphere is a multidimensional network where you live 24 hrs a day. Sensosphere is the "Ocean" from where you and me, almost unconsciously, take all kind of information through our sensorial systems. Sensosphere implicitedly include all three levels of networking. Sensosphere not only cover telematic networks, but also the social (body-to-body) networks, and all the information from ecosystem.

Recently we discovered that "Brain" and "Ecosystem" are as two Islands very far one of another. Why? Because in our culture, dominated by abstraction and believes, and by the "static" body, the great increase in specialization have produced that this two "pieces" of the story were mutualy excluded in scientific research.

Many scientists study the Brain. Many scientists study Ecosystems. But it appears that there are little attention to the interrelationships between Brain and Ecosystem.

If we note that the connection between Brain and Ecosystem is through our rich sensorial systems, that would means that sensorial systems, al least in an integrated way, has been poorly studied until now. Maybe because their complexity.

But the actual premise is that you survive because you, yourself, as a complex sensorial system, manage eficiently your interrelationships with Ecosystem. The point is to be aware, you as sensorial animal, independently of your career, of all this complex sensorial system that you manage eficiently.

We think the first step is to be aware. Our Sensorial System connect every instant of our lifes all the information from ecosystem through your own Body and Brain.

The complex system we are dealing with is composed, thus, by The Ecosystem, The Body and The Brain.

To speak of Brain without connecting it with Body And Ecosystem, is perhaps The Biggest Denial of Nowadays Science.

May be is good to consider three levels:
1) You as (your career)
2) You as Human
3) You as a Multidimensional Sensorial System.

In this way, people dedicated to telematic networking, for example, will be more aware of this "losing bridge", and will make, in interdisciplinary cooperation, that telematic networking will be a network more useful everyday to people, as Mammals integrated in these three paradises together.

After to have seen the strong advancement of Information and Communication Technologies, we wonders when the symbiosis between all these "explicit technologies" and "implicit-sensorial" ones will be greater...

The point is the Community, as a bio-eco-social system.

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