jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

December 13, 2012


"The point we will be making here is that logically, neither trial and error nor
"chance" and serendipity can be behind the gains in technology and empirical science
attributed to them. By definition chance cannot lead to long term gains (it would no
longer be chance); trial and error cannot be unconditionally effective: errors cause
planes to crash, buildings to collapse, and knowledge to regress."


NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB, essayist and former mathematical trader, is Distinguished
Professor of Risk Engineering at NYU�s Polytechnic Institute. He is the author the
international bestseller The Black Swan and the recently published Antifragile:
Things That Gain from Disorder. (US: Random House (http://amzn.to/TPmY7M ; UK:
Penguin Press http://amzn.to/W6rlNS )


"Something central, very central, is missing in historical accounts of scientific
and technological discovery. The discourse and controversies focus on the role of
luck as opposed to teleological programs (from telos, "aim"), that is, ones that
rely on pre-set direction from formal science. This is a faux-debate: luck cannot
lead to formal research policies; one cannot systematize, formalize, and program
randomness. The driver is neither luck nor direction, but must be in the asymmetry
(or convexity) of payoffs, a simple mathematical property that has lied hidden from
the discourse, and the understanding of which can lead to precise research
principles and protocols.


"The luck versus knowledge story is as follows. Ironically, we have vastly more
evidence for results linked to luck than to those coming from the teleological,
outside physics�even after discounting for the sensationalism. In some opaque and
nonlinear fields, like medicine or engineering, the teleological exceptions are in
the minority, such as a small number of designer drugs. This makes us live in the
contradiction that we largely got here to where we are thanks to undirected chance,
but we build research programs going forward based on direction and narratives. And,
what is worse, we are fully conscious of the inconsistency."  ... [MORE]



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Inundemos la Confederacion Hidrografica del Ebro 15D

13 de diciembre de 2012 *La asamblea confederal de Ecologistas en Acción aprueba una resolución de apoyo a Artieda*
*Durante la asamblea confederal de Ecologistas en Acción, que aglutina a 
más de 300 grupos de todo el estado, se ha aprobado una resolución en la 
que se muestra el apoyo al pueblo de Artieda en su lucha contra el 
recrecimiento del embalse de Yesa, la solidaridad con las personas 
imputadas arbitrariamente tras la brutal carga policía del 10 de octubre 
y llama a la participación en la manifestación convocada para el 15 de 
diciembre en Zaragoza, bajo el lema "Inundemos la Confederación 
Hidrográfica del Ebro".*

Trujillo ha sido la localidad donde Ecologistas en Acción, ha celebrado 
su asamblea confederal de 2012, entre los días 7 y 9 de diciembre. A la 
misma han acudido en representación de los diferentes grupos que forman 
esta confederación, más de 300 personas. Han sido tres días intensos de 
asambleas, debates y acuerdos. Una de las resoluciones, que ha contado 
con el apoyo unánime, ha sido la presentada por la federación aragonesa 
respecto a la política hidráulica en Aragón, especialmente en el 
proyecto de recrecimiento de Yesa y la represión que está sufriendo los 
vecinos de Artieda en su oposición a este proyecto.

La resolución aprobada, además de recordar el trabajo desarrollado por 
Ecologistas en Acción en la oposición a embalses como Mularroya, 
recrecimiento de Yesa, Santaliestra, Biscarrués o Jánovas, entre otros, 

ha defendido //su////tierra,////río////y////futuro,//y por ello 

"/El pueblo de Artieda ha seguido su estrategia de oposición al 
recrecimiento y ha respondido a la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro 
mediante acciones siempre pacíficas que retrasaban los trámites 
impidiendo la entrada de sus funcionarios al pueblo y a los terrenos que 
pretendían expropiar. El 10 de octubre en una de estas acciones, vecinos 
y miembros de colectivos que nos solidarizamos con su lucha sufrieron 
una carga por parte de agentes antidisturbios de la Guardia Civil, 
totalmente innecesaria, además de desmesurada y brutal, que provoco una 
docena de heridos"./



desacato y resistencia a la autoridad"/



    /Ratificarse en particular en su oposición a la construcción del
    recrecimiento del embalse de Yesa y en general a las grandes
    infraestructuras hidráulicas previstas en Aragón y en la cuenca del


    /Defender un régimen de caudales ambientales en toda la cuenca del
    Ebro, necesario para conservar sus valores ambientales y los del
    Delta de Ebro./




    gente deArtiedael10deoctubre de2012./


    /Solidarizarse con y dar su apoyo a las personas imputadas tras los
    acontecimientos ocurridos dicho día 10 de octubre, que están siendo
    señaladas arbitrariamente para justificar una carga policial contra
    una concentración totalmente pacífica ejerciendo su derecho de
    expresar su disenso con el proyecto de recrecimiento./



Más información: Chesús Ferrer - 620404313


Ecologistas en Acción - Aragón
C/ La Torre, 1 bajo. 50002 Zaragoza
629139609 - 629139680

Contigo podemos hacer mucho más 

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

why university 1.0 were obsolete

an open letter to Daniel Denett and Federico Aguilera Klink

0. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL50Q0DoWag
y tu que sabes, el documental probmente más completo e integrador de la consciencia moderna,

1. solution for Dennett and Federico question, went "miracously" from Isabelle Stenger: capitalism is a (black) sorcery, and Shamanism, in their wide and phylogeneticaly inclusivenness, when is approached as bio-cultural diversity, as a pre- and historical research-action wisdom-reservoir of a planetary scale,

2. recently Bruno Latour comes also to global pre- and historical (precristian) common sense, assembling people and thoughts about another "bestia salvaje" within premodern , preintegrative science: Gaia (un) (or uhm) theory, just because if billions of unicelular sensors per minute, synthonize automaticaly, within Sensosphere (Gaia network of sensations), as a result from billions years co evolution,

3. is because when we share the child of Nietsche, the child of Fericgla, and the feral children Kamala y Amala, we converge in shamanism, today we can be happy when science already explains and acept shamanism after a deep process of reintegration in research-action, in autoethnographic manner, autoexperencial manner, within fourth (auto) etnobiology, where you not only are a indigenous, integrated to your landscape, but you also are a shaman (niño), your inside-child, always vital, reintegrated across remembering, and reactualising that strengths, making a continuous spiral between present-and-past, that insuflates creativity at children style, always playing, and prevent you to fall in traps from clonic planiland,

4. clonic planiland is the answer to Daniel and Federico: the excess - abuse of the attention to the map, as a historical western process of giving more and more power to this channel, seems to have reduced so drasticaly our innate capacity of survival that we have forgotten that in that world there are another thing but "economy", as so many clonic mass media (only in spain?), dispatch clonicaly from 2008,

5. planiland (des) nurtures mainly educated people across three family of very common activities, at least today,

6. the obedience and submission which historicaly build our public education systems, affect to so many people that some factors have been needed,

7. politicians are crazy, you know, as Federico and many others, say, but politicians were "as you or me" before to fall in  their madness, and if they are in some place in the piramid, in the same piramid we are too, in which place we are? we are a uma teacher, we are intermediate between this craziness of politicians and "commons", my role, the role of universities is worth to be more reflected now, in that global epistemological tsunami, why univeristies were so silent within the storm "out-the-classroom",

8. technicians nurtured the political actions, technicians have been biographicaly victim of a historical, slavery education system, beginning with greece, sparta, continuing when modern industrial fortified states began in Europe, and you can be the actual fossil remainders in medieval-hierarchical 1.0 classrooms, still (the title of the post is thinking and imagining that today it is the day of Reyes Magos 2013) so common, fixed, sensorialy deprived (how depravation!), actualy as if you obtain your brain, after so much equis years and hours in that such a hyperadroctination 1.0 system, in lonchitas, as in The Wall

9. Italy 12.000 hours in school; Finnland only 6.000, and mostly in activities outdoor, and inter activities inside classroom,

10. feeding our senses, attention and consciousness, so many people, after some generations, in a close plain surface, be the book, the paper, the power point, the monitor, the ebook, or the wall, the road, the plain buildings or surfaces,

11. the result is the easy adaptation to connect ourselves humans across many plain possibilities,

12. manual workers, working with all their bodies, outdoor, are being nurtured, sensorialy, in what we call 0.0 world, where the basic by default three dimensionality is enacted across a miriad of sensation-clouds, making reality for your senses the multidimensionality, your attention powers are empowering everyday,

13. in sensosphere, map is territory, and your attention decides where land now and you fix your attention in a small cloud of small flies around near your face, at the early sun, and each second you could decide where landing your powers of attention, and this power is basic in general in cultures for survival, if twenty minutes later the lecture cannot be eficiently attended?

14. shamanism may be sumed as the synthonization via research-action, with "the territory-all" (global-complex vision), across two principles: impecabilidad and intento; and two practices: acechar and ensoñar (lucid dreaming), the body is who learn, an active body nurture the brain and re creates new connections when attention is eficiently used for c r e a t i n g; as nature, or ecosystem, your surroundings, are always creating and recreating themselves, by the stational, circadian, and every changes experiment for your senses, it is enough a minimal attention experimentation for consider a serious question the infinitude of the quantum field inside whom we, as complex-sensors, dynamicaly co evolve,

15. shamanism can also be considered in single, common sense way, as part of historical common sense, in rural areas, which the "endogamic evolution" of cities, had forgotten, maybe someone have analysed this question about rural and urban thinking,

16. school and university 2.0, or FTF, include groupal learning inter activities, beyond lectures; school and university 2.0. also is nurtured across internet 2.0, beyond "virtual campuses",

17. school and university 0.0 integrates the surroundings in a research-action process glokality-in-action, displacing the center to city and biorregion or valley /hydrographic basin; in our case, the alboran sea, as a amazonas river between africa and europe; malaga as the sharing subject, and all the mountains around Alboran sea that we can observe, directly, specialy in autumn days, from Jbel Musa to Sierra de Gador, you have hundreds of peaks, you can see directly, only opening your eyes, from Playa de la Misericordia, all that visible realm, from malaga town, is our room; such an exorbitant exo-landscape, accesible by eye, increase enormously our own powers, until we are going to draw, like the spider web of panoramas, from diferent malaga points of view, lines connecting singular visions, singular points, singular mountains, singular streets; in that way a cross-vision merged, drawin a real web of singular biorregional points, that you greed each morning, and follow using them as references, as continuous remember of our more-than-human inclusion and existence,

Kissing and kissing and kissing

Urban Animal Husbandry

Nigerian dwarf goats grow to only 21 in. tall, about equal to a medium-size dog. "But they have giant udders," says Novella Carpenter. She should know: she has six goats that together provide a quart of milk a day, which she drinks and uses to make cheese and butter. And when the bleating beauties are not grazing in her 1,000-sq.-ft. yard, they're hanging out on the porch of her second-floor apartment in the middle of Oakland, Calif.
Carpenter, a city dweller who in recent years has tried her hand at raising turkeys (she got three day-old poults for $2 each) and pigs (which she fattened to 300 lb.) for dinner, says she turned to milk-producing goats because "I decided I needed a more long-term relationship." The author of the new Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer, she is eager to help others get into what she describes as a "hobby that involves sex and birth and death and life."
There have been lots of stories lately about chicken coops' becoming a new urban and suburban accessory. But Carpenter considers the squawking hen "the urban-farming gateway animal," the first occupant of a big metropolitan menagerie. Among eco-foodies, the hottest urban livestock bleat, quack, gobble, oink, buzz and ... well, whatever noise rabbits make. Just ask the folks at Seattle Tilth, a composting and gardening nonprofit that this summer added goat sheds and pens to its long-standing local chicken-coop tour. Or ask the participants in Detroit's Garden Resource Program, which recently launched beekeeping classes and saw them fill up immediately. Even the so-called Chicken Whisperer, a.k.a. Andy Schneider, who hosts an urbane chicken radio show six days a week from suburban Atlanta, is branching out. He is planning an episode on turkeys after fielding so many questions about them from listeners.
The growing popularity of raising barnyard animals in backyards — or indoors (at least two companies, ChickenDiapers.com and MyPetChicken.com sell nappies to people who want their birds to bunk with them) — has forced many municipalities across the country to statutorily reckon with allowing livestock within city limits. But legal or not, urban animal husbandry is gaining cachet. That's not only because of the desire to eat local and organic but also because the shaky economy has more people wanting to be more self-sufficient. Says Seattle Tilth garden educator Carey Thornton: "Food you raise yourself just tastes better."
Most newbies keep chickens for eggs. Schneider's organization, Backyard Poultry, has groups in 19 cities in the U.S. and four outside the country; of the 700 members in Atlanta, for example, only five raise hens for consumption. Miniature goats are usually kept for milk and weed-eating; bees, for honey and pollination.
But the truly hard-core urban farmers are plumping their animals for meat, shortening the food-supply chain and being responsible carnivores. "It's empowering," says Carpenter, who is nurturing 10 bunnies to eat. "People want to own their meat-eating."

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1914991,00.html#ixzz2E6QZ17zM

103 alternativas: la comida que pisamos

101 alternativas

El plan que la Consejería de Sanidad de Madrid propone para conseguir la sostenibilidad de la sanidad madrileña a través de la externalización, el desmantelamiento de infraestructuras existentes y el euro por receta. El colectivo sanitario piensa que el plan propuesto está lejos de conseguir sus objetivos. Las medidas que señalan los políticos sólo conducen a aumentar el gasto sanitario y al enriquecimiento de unos pocos. Estas son nuestras alternativas ¡Resulta que las tenemos! Además, las hemos tenido siempre. Las hemos exigido siempre. Todavía no se han llevado a cabo y algunas, a pesar de ser de fácil aplicación, no se llevarán a caba. No se nos han ocurrido a nosotros: hemos utilizado los programas de los partidos políticos, las revistas científicas y el simple sentido común de las personas que sí utilizamos y sí trabajamos por el sistema. Esta es la primera de tres partes

Categoría: 102


Hola agustn antúnez, biólogo de la UMA, y me encanta, estoes democracia desde abajo y desde enmedio, "Hay que analizar las necesidades reales de salud...", "Más en salud pública y en prevención..." entro otras elijo estas frases,
ISMA Propone 1) "Una Epistemología del Sur":
taxis colectivos, bicitaxis, furgonetas, microbuses; y
2) Un impulso descomunal a la bici:
en Europa ha funcionado: descongestiona las calles y reduce el consumo de servicios de salud, dinero, guerritas...:)))

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

"car and climate change"

    1. You, your car, and climate change 

      planetearth.nerc.ac.uk/news/story.aspx?id=757 -Traducir esta página
      You, your car, and climate change. 22 June 2010, by Adele Rackley. Knowing that driving to town is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions is simply not ...
    2. [PPT] 

      Fully Networked Car and Climate Change - ITU 

      www.itu.int/.../T061B00000200103PPTE.ppt -Traducir esta página
      Formato de archivo: Microsoft Powerpoint - Vista rápida
      Fully Networked Car and Climate Change. Marc Osajda. Global Automotive Strategy Manager. Freescale Semiconductor. Outstanding innovation in Automotive ...
    3. [PPT] 

      Fully Networked Car and Climate Change - ITU 

      www.itu.int/.../T061B00000200102PPTE.ppt -Traducir esta página
      Formato de archivo: Microsoft Powerpoint - Vista rápida
      Fully Networked Car and Climate Change. The Fully Networked Car. Geneva, 4-5 March 2009. Automotive Megatrends. Efficient Parking: A service enabler for ...
    4. Cars and Climate Change - Ciencia Global 

      6 Nov 2012 – You, your car, and climate change. 22 June 2010, by Adele Rackley. Knowing that driving to town is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions ...
    5. Fully Networked Car and Climate Change 

      www.docstoc.com/.../Fully-Networked-Car-and-... -Traducir esta página
      22 Feb 2010 – Fully Networked Car and Climate ChangeThe Fully Networked CarGeneva, 4-5 March 2009 Automotive Megatrends Efficient Parking: A ...
    6. 【Beijing Forum 2010】Interview with Thomas ... - Peking University 

      english.pku.edu.cn › ... › News  › Global  - Traducir esta página
      12 Nov 2010 – Assume one billion people all want a car and gasoline is cheap, then they will end up buying the wrong kind of car and climate changewill be ...
    7. daryanenergyblog | Just another WordPress.com site 

      daryanenergyblog.wordpress.com/ - Traducir esta página
      3 days ago – But some things never change – Thecar and climate change. Of course before we finish congratulating ourselves, the very things about the ...
    8. The Climate Change Communiqués - Transport Canada 

      www.tc.gc.ca/.../environment-most-caa-767.htm -Traducir esta página
      3 Feb 2010 – A series of four articles in Leisureways magazine on "Your Car and Climate Change". Information will be disseminated through brochures on ...
    9. Research Clusters - The University of Sydney 

      sydney.edu.au/arts/.../research_clusters.shtml -Traducir esta página
      15 Mar 2012 – ... whaling and marine protected areas in particular), the greening of international financial institutions, the politics of car and climate change...