miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011


For Svg mnds, with Dvd Grbr


Acoustic Etymology:

acoustics Look up acoustics at Dictionary.com

1680s, "science of sound," from acoustic (also see -ics). Meaning "acoustic properties" of a building, etc., attested from 1885.

-ics Look up -ics at Dictionary.com

in the names of sciences or disciplines (acoustics, aerobics,economics, etc.) it represents a 16c. revival of the classical custom of using the neuter plural of adjectives with -ikos (see -ic) to mean "matters relevant to" and also as the titles of treatises about them. Subject matters that acquired their names in English before c.1500, however, tend to remain in singular (e.g. arithmetic, logic).

acoustic (adj.) Look up acoustic at Dictionary.com

c.1600, from Fr. acoustique, from Gk. akoustikos "pertaining to hearing," from akoustos "heard, audible," verbal adj. from akouein"to hear," probably from copulative prefix a- + koein "to mark, perceive, hear," from PIE *kous- "to hear," perhaps from base *(s)keu- "to notice, observe" (see caveat). Acoustic guitar (as opposed to electric) attested by 1958. Related: Acoustical; acoustically.



1. tr. med. Aplicar el oído o el estetoscopio a ciertos puntos del cuerpo humano a fin de explorar los sonidos normales o patológicos producidos en las cavidades del pecho o vientre:
auscultó a un paciente con problemas cardiacos.


(Del lat. auscultāre).

1. tr. Med. Aplicar el oído a la pared torácica o abdominal, con instrumentos adecuados o sin ellos, a fin de explorar los sonidos o ruidos normales o patológicos producidos en los órganos que las cavidades del pecho o vientre contienen.

2. tr. Sondear el pensamiento de otras personas, el estado de un negocio, la disposición ajena ante un asunto, etc.

auscultate (v.) Look up auscultate at Dictionary.com

"to listen" (especially with a stethoscope), 1832, from L. auscultatus, pp. of auscultare "to listen attentively to," from aus-, from auris "ear" (see ear (1)); "the rest is doubtful" [OED]. Tucker suggests the second element is akin to clinere "to lean, bend."

auscultation Look up auscultation at Dictionary.com

"act of listening," 1630s, from L. auscultationem (nom. auscultatio), from auscultatus (see auscultate). Medical sense is from 1821.

I DO special emphasis in “To Listen Attentively To”.

Economicaly, the lost thru scholastic classroom today is linked to a general statement: after 21 minutes, concentration is difficult to maintaining HER.

A Lecture is something 50 minutes.

50 minutes less 21 minutes are 29 minutes where attention is already lost.

Maybe attention is lost at greater ratio when scholastic practise (lecture) are being received during many days during many years within so many human bodies.

Attention is the secret ingredient of shamanism which completes the equation of Consciousness.

Contemplation (extasis) + Insight + Fixation + Incubation

Would be the frame where creativity processes merge.

Insight coming after some time where your mind is “absolutely absent” from the problem you want to solve. Your mind is going to share all the attention your body is developing. Your thoughts are absent too. You are observing, with “all your senses”.

The kind of activity you are developing when your mind catch an insight, may be very diverse.

The kind of process diverse cultures have been using to reach a “clean” mental state, are also very diverse ones.

We could talk about “yogui cultures” and “bogui cultures”, according to the degree of discipline. Bogui cultures could be those which profit the natural meditation process available through our everyday life.

Generaly we tend to put together “contemplation” and “quietness”. But shamanic “acechar” may be available across an attentive walk thru the landscape.

The unity with one may be reached alternating more quiet and more dynamic activities. When you pay your attention to your surroundings during a minimum attention time, within no thought or interruption happens, you becomes an “info-devouring-machine”.

More Far are your thoughts, More and More info you are devouring. But as this is an autopoietic process, a double-way process, when we say that you are devouring and devouring information, we DO are saying that “both”, you and the ecosystem, are linking and linking.

This case is wholy comparable with the info interchanges across computers or internet.

More time you are reading an article, more links, in double way manner, are being constructing within the system. The ideas from the article are being shared now with you. As many “you” are reading it, a cloud of shared ideas are being stablishing within noosphere. And this cloud, called for example “Occupy Wall Street”, is growing when the readers share it across their different networks, across the time.

It is different to see, than to observe.

To hear or listening.

After our shamanic learnings, I appreciate that one vital diference within my thought system, is that now, I tend to choose the moment for thinking. “Acechar”, the active process of observing by default, without thinking interferences, is going to occupy more and more time in your lives, that are going to be lived more in the phenomenoklogical present.


After that general account, we are going to concretize within acoustics, leaving all the other senses out.

When some hour ago I look for “acoustics” etymology, I was contemplating the possibility of that “acoustic” and “echo” where etymologicaly interrelated. At least intuitively, I received this idea.

Intuitive etymologies merge when you think something about some word, relating HER to any other word.

In that case, I related “acoustics” and “echo”.

Etymology of “echo”:

echo (n.) Look up echo at Dictionary.com

mid-14c., from L. echo, from Gk. echo, personified as a mountain nymph, from or related to ekhe "sound," ekhein "to resound," from PIE base *swagh- "to resound" (cf. Skt. vagnuh "sound," L. vagire"to cry"). The verb is from 1550s. Related: Echoed; echoes; echoing.


(Del lat. echo, y este del gr. ἠχώ).

1. m. Repetición de un sonido reflejado por un cuerpo duro.

2. m. Persona o cosa que imita o repite servilmente aquello que otro dice o que se dice en otra parte.

3. m. Cosa que está notablemente influida por un antecedente o procede de él.

4. m. Sonido que se percibe débil y confusamente. Los ecos del tambor, de la campana.

5. m. Composición poética en que se repite dentro o fuera del verso parte de un vocablo, o un vocablo entero, especialmente si es monosílabo, para formar nueva palabra significativa y que sea como eco de la anterior.

6. m. Repetición de las últimas sílabas o palabras que se cantan a media voz por distinto coro de músicos, y en los órganos se hace por registro distinto hecho a propósito para este fin.

7. m. Rumor o noticia vaga de un suceso.

8. m. Resonancia o repercusión de una noticia o suceso.

9. m. Fís. Onda electromagnética reflejada o devuelta de modo tal que se percibe como distinta de la originalmente emitida.

10. m. pl. Noticias de ciertos ambientes que se publican en un periódico o revista.

~ múltiple.

1. m. eco que se repite varias veces, reflejado recíproca y alternativamente por dos cuerpos.

hacer ~ algo.

1. loc. verb. Tener proporción o correspondencia con otra cosa.

2. loc. verb. Hacerse notable y digno de atención y reflexión.

hacerse alguien ~ de algo.

1. loc. verb. Contribuir a la difusión de una noticia, rumor, etc.

tener ~ algo.

1. loc. verb. Propagarse con aceptación.


(Del gr. οἰκο-).

1. elem. compos. Significa 'casa', 'morada' o 'ámbito vital'. Ecología, ecosistema.


(Del lat. echo, y este del gr. ἠχώ).

1. elem. compos. Significa 'onda electromagnética' o 'sonido reflejado'.Ecolocación, ecolalia.

In that way, as I tried to choose “Echo-Acoustics” for emphasizing the “echo” natural carácter of almost any sound, I found HER as a redundancy… It is very curious that this sensation of redundancy coming from the row sounds you make with your body spelling HER. That repetition of sounds makes you to ask: Why? “Echo-Acou…”

As almost sounds in environment produces a certain kind of echo within the way the waves took across environment, we could accept that what you hear is a composite unity strongly affected by echoes.

As echoes are being produced within a physical milieu, where the components of ecosystem affect strongly the features of the correspondant echoes,…

We are going thus to accept that “echolocation” is not a strange capacity within some species or some individual.

Echolocation results to be a feature intrinsic to the ecosystem HERSELF.

2 comentarios:

  1. Un ecosistema pues puede ser contemplado como una danza de fluires varios, entre ellos nuestros fluires, de nuestros cuerpos, y de cualquier cuerpo o proceso interactuante dentro del ecosistema...

  2. Mind danzing in facebook, about alzheimer: Estos cientificos alzheimerizados ellos tambien... jajaja. Dan clases en aulas neurodegenerativas, donde la mayoría solo observa cogotes (el cogotódromo), y como ellos nunca han salido de ahí, pues allá que siguen reproduciendo el alzheimer pandemico de una civilizacion del olvido. Del olvido de que antes del cuadrado, estuvo y está el circulo. La banca esclava, un extraño superviviente fósil en la cyber era, mama en sus memorias la escolastica medieval, al ejercito, y a la iglesia. Cuando estas cambiaron de circulo a cuadrado, emergió el escenario, el pulpito y el sumo sacerdote. Pero como leí hace poco, el alzheimer se está evaporando (en este sentido) porque han encontrado que la primera iglesia se identifica por huellas, ¿huellas? sí, de pasos, ¿pasos? sí, de gente, ¿gente? sí, danzando, ¿danzando? sí, en circulo, ¿sí? y alrededor del FUEGO...

