The continued expansion of Knowledge Society have created a dense network of information shared everyday by more and more people.
This process of sharing knowledge has been developing at diferent speed, according to the level of transparency in each of the diverse territories that build, by their convergence, the Noosphere.
Of course the speed of growing of Knowledge Society is in direct dependence of the speed in opening the old-structural barriers that increased "viscosity" in the transdisciplinary process of "surfing" beyond disciplines.
The different circumstances that fruitfully converge to have sucess in the Adventure of Scientific Discovery are analogous to The Birth of a New Species in Evolution. A New and Useful Theory is a neurosemantic field that changes, grows and die, in space and time.
The Usefulness of a Theory or any other piece of knowledge is in direct correlation with the Eficiency in Transdisciplinary Surfing, that is, the mean speed with what this Theory travels and fertilizes (and viceversa) any other Theory or Field of Knowledge.
In this Global Strategic Assessment, whose interest is, at the same time, Global and Strategic, we are going to take an index of Eficiency in Transdisciplinary Surfing.
This ETS index is going to be specialy applied to Integration and Implementation Sciences. I.I. Sciences are intended for globalizing the scientific knowledge that were over-dispersed in a Babelian list of disciplines.
I.I. Sciences actualy are those pieces of all The Territory of Science that acts as "Bosons", that is, always increasing the speed of transconnectivity among disciplines.
Symbiodiversity, as a Integration and Implementation Science or Transdicipline was born from Conservation Biology. Through a permanent process of assimilating new fields of knowledge, in this surfing process, symbiodiversity was growing towards a more global scope. In a second step, this transdiscipline was sprouting and reproducing itself giving birth to new terms, new ideas, new concepts, allowing to expand the neurosemantic territory of this transdiscipline.
In general, the "anarchic" way of presentation of symbiodiversity, or simbiodiversidad, in The Web, is correlated with its own history of development. You could find good and comprehensible reflections, but also many texts that are very far from being easily to understand.
We think that freedom of mind is a good friend of freedom of expression. In our own experience we have noticed that this extremely freedom to share our ideas in The Web, thanks to Web 2.0, have facilitated a free experimentation at many levels. Of course the cost of this "absolute freedom" have been high, because for many people to hear about symbiodiversity may looks as a complete foolness or nosense.
Only today, after all that "crazy" experimentation throughout so many texts, mainly in The Web, we may understand why all that experimentation have been useful. We invite you readers to surf throughout our texts with the same freedom all these texts have beeen borning. As many of these texts are not "domesticated", but "wild", you would follow a "erratic" course or way reading them. That means that you freely choose what you could read, taking in account the great diversity both in forms and contents.
Well, I took this text about Island Biogeography of Noosphere from one of the blogs of the guay gueby gueb. And I are expanding it with a idea I express some time ago: We'll try to measure the Eficiency in Transdisciplinary Surfing with the aid of "Google". For that we choose a list of relevant recent scientific theories. We'll make also a list of universities. The next process will be to look at google the correspondence of both lists. In this intuitive way, we'll know how many scientific novelties (our first list) have sucess conquering how many universities (our second list).
Maybe this process could be a trick also to allow symbiodiversity conquering universities too, after to have enjoy ourself, from sometimes ago, a marvelous sensation about the possibility that symbiodiversity, thanks to "web-twists" (web 2.o users) , would'nt need to be published through any formal "high-level" scientific papers...
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