martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Life Revisiting

Well, we have a conceptual map with three elements:




After, we follow constructing knowledge, adding new idea to that three basis elements.

1) From Life, the spirit of Lynn Margulis ("What is life?"), pervaded through this book

2) From SymBioDiversity, we take two ideas: symbiosis and diversity

3) From Phenomenology we travel towards Embodied Embeded Phenomenology

A "primer" subject reflexion:

A certain "formal" inferiority complex comes, from time to time, when thinking my self about the "out-formal" character from symbiodiversity.
Maybe Formal xxi century scientific publications represent one of the maximum degree of all the rituals that the trend troughout an increasing power in society of representationism have achieved.
Symbiodiversity have grown exponentialy maybe in relation with its characteristic freedom, in academic field or classroom, in research styles and practices, and in freedom expressing our results by Web 2.0
The differences between Web 2.0 and refereed papers, as two possibilities of scientific knowledge interchanges, are abismical !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are, thus, a miriad of grupusculs, conventiculus, sects, truly religious sects making wath they labelled as science.

Take the over emphasised darwinism or neodarwinism. People slavish to "a life of refereed papers", and working during their life with several key words, that represent the 0.08 ppm of the list of dicyionary words, their mind is colapsed (more silence) when Margulis attack them because (Margulis say) they are compiling in their brain and mind so much systematic ignorance...

But all that miriad of "ants" have been anyway working, producing, and changing and reproducing so much, that the actual landscape of science, and the actual landscape of Life has changed so much that we could say that today (yesterday) students are, or were, learning, studiing, and memorizing a medieval science mainly.

Tha rep-fen paradox: representationism and fenomenology, in its actual situation, show a clear, and more equilibrated, polarization between both views.

REP means resting (restar), thus dividing.

FEN means tu sume up, that is multiply.

So my personal anecdotic "formal" inferiority complex evaporates the hundreds and hundreds of times in each day when Myself within the trans subjectivity of embodied embeded phenomenology (conversing with people (also landscape) within ever-aware sensosphere).

The dream of difunding symbiodiversity without the representationist use of scientific formal papers, have gown trough years of a free thinking process that never was enfrentado al espejo de la bruja formal ciencia con referees.

Los referees son un sistema muy, demasiado, homeostático, ya que su resiliencia e inercia a mantener estaticamente una revista cientifica que debería ser un organismo vivo, autopoiético, se ve controlada, autocontrolada, por la cantidad de cambios implícitos en cualquier visión, o teoría, que se considere nueva. Es decir, mientras mas diferente sea una teoría, más rechazo se esperaría de ella. En estos sentidos, estamos en lo que estamos, estructuras de pensamiento tecnicamente medievales, sujetos a creencias y a su correspondiente mantenimiento como creencias.

El socorro del sentiodo comun al rescate de la rebelde extraña mente simbiodiversidad, trae también consigo que la sociedad comprenda de que ella, en cada cual, es un cientifico, con igual peso de la prueba que cualquier cientifico formal. Cada persona vale lo mismo. Su opinion y su voto...
siempre mejor consenso

Encuentros en la quinta fase: cuantica, virus, bacterias, eucariotas, psicologismo.
Cuantro mundos del chaman(ismo): objetivo, subjetivo, simbolico, holistico.
Cuatro dimensiones educacion global: espacio tiempo temas interna o subjetiva.

Cinco reinos: bacterias plantas animales, hongos protistas
Cuatro elementos en el ecosistema: energía, tierra, agua y aire
Tres tipos de organismos en el ecosistema_ descomponedoras, productoras, consumidoras,

Cuatro no haceres chamanicos: intento, impecabilidad, acechar, ensoñar.

OmeTeotl: energía dual, yinyang, versus dicotomía bipolar (lógica borrosa, de grises, versus aristotélica o blanquinegra)

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