sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Classroom Ethnography

  1. Bourdieu, language and classroom ethnography - ePrints Soton

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    de MJ Grenfell - 2008 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
    27 Jul 2010 ... Grenfell, Michael James (2008) Bourdieu, language and classroom ethnography. In, AERA 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, USA 24 - 28 Mar 2008. ...
    eprints.soton.ac.uk/52022/ - En caché
  2. Yonko The Sane: Classroom Ethnography, Part the first

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    21 Feb 2007 ... Classroom Ethnography, Part the first. I have to do a class ethnography of my cooperating teacher, Ms. Beale, and her high school classroom. ...
    yonkothesane.blogspot.com/.../classroom-ethnography-part-first.html - En caché - Similares
  3. Amazon.com: Classroom Ethnography: Empirical and Methodological ...

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    Amazon.com: Classroom Ethnography: Empirical and Methodological Essays (9780774403542): Martyn Hammersley: Books.
    www.amazon.com › BooksNonfictionEducation - En caché
  4. Amazon.com: Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom ...

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    “Those who take the journey to understanding with Carolyn and her students will be rewarded for their efforts with new understandings and new ways of seeing ...
    www.amazon.com › ... › Experimental - En caché - Similares
  5. Classroom Ethnography and Ecology.

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    Title: Classroom Ethnography and Ecology. Full-Text Availability Options: PDF ERIC Full Text (661K). Related Items: Show Related Items ...
    www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno... - En caché
  6. Animating classroom ethnography: overcoming video-fear ...

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    29 Apr 2010 ... This article addresses the use of video in classroom research. Influenced by the work of Deleuze on cinema, it challenges the mundane ...
  7. Classroom Ethnography...

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    concern in Classroom Ethnography is to address the question of what is needed in ethnographic research on classrooms and schools for it to provide an ...
  8. [PDF]

    Capítulo tercero

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    de MF Abarca - Artículos relacionados
    examines some theoretical background knowledge in regards to the interaction in the language classroom. The ethnographic method, which belongs to the ...
    revista.inie.ucr.ac.cr/articulos/1-2004/archivos/interaction.pdf - Similares
  9. Classroom ethnography (Open Library)

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    Classroom ethnography by Martyn Hammersley, 1990,Open University Press, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education edition, in English.
    openlibrary.org/books/.../Classroom_ethnography - En caché
  10. Search Direct Essays on Classroom Ethnography

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    Hammersley, M. (1990) Classroom Ethnography: empirical and methodological essays, Open University Press, Buckingham. Hammersley . ...

  1. Research methods in language and education - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Nancy H. Hornberger, David Corson - 1997 - Language Arts & Disciplines - 378 páginas
    FUTURE DIRECTIONS Four current trends in classroom ethnography can be expected to ... First, classroom ethnographers can be expected to incorporate ...
  2. Open Research Online - Classroom ethnography

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    de M Hammersley - 1980 - Citado por 167 - Artículos relacionados
    4 Mar 2010 ... Classroom ethnography. Hammersley, Martyn (1980). Classroom ethnography. Educational Analysis, 2(2), pp. 47–74. ...
    oro.open.ac.uk/20367/ - En caché
  3. Second Language Classroom Research. ERIC Digest.

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    de D Nunan - 1990 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
    The fourth tradition identified by Chaudron is classroom ethnography. According to Chaudron, this tradition does not strive for objectivity or neutrality, ...
    www.ericdigests.org/pre-9216/second.htm - En caché - Similares
  4. Classroom Ethnography ...

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    Classroom Ethnography. MARTYN HAMMERSLEY, 1990. Milton Keynes, Open University Press ?9.99, 171 pp. ISBN 0-335-09235-7. Qualitative Research: analysis types ...
  5. [PDF]

    This paper aims to analyze the process of pedagogy as innovation ...

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    In terms of methods, classroom ethnography was availed of with the teacher acting as ethnographer from 1997-2002. Masid-ugali (culture-bound immersion) from ...
    web.kssp.upd.edu.ph/linguistics/plc2006/.../IV-B-5_Fabros.pdf - Similares
  6. CJO - Abstract - Culture and the bilingual classroom. Studies ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de BH Jernudd - 1984
    Culture and the bilingual classroom. Studies in classroom ethnography. Edited by Henry T. Trueba, Grace Pung Guthrie, and Kathryn Hu-Pei Au. ...
  7. Animating classroom ethnography: overcoming video-fear

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    de M MacLure - 2010 - Artículos relacionados
    Keywords: Deleuze; classroom ethnography; early childhood; video recording; affect. The intolerable is no longer a serious injustice, but the permanent ...
  8. Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » Presentation: YouTube in/on ...

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    24 Jan 2008 ... Yes, you can (& should) use YouTube videos in the classroom.... Digital Ethnography: Michael Wesch's presentation on “Yes, you can ...
    mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/?p=140 - En caché - Similares
  9. Classroom ethnography : empirical and methodological essays ...

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    Classroom ethnography : empirical and methodological essays /. authors: Hammersley, Martyn. subjects: Education -- Research; Classroom environment ...
  10. Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Observation

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    Yet, as Judith Green and Carol Dixon write in their foreword to Carolyn Frank's Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Observation, ...
    www.aaanet.org/sections/cae/aeq/br/frank.htm - En caché - Similares

  1. Culture and the Bilingual Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography.

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    de HT Trueba - 1981 - Citado por 72 - Artículos relacionados
    ED226877 - Culture and the Bilingual Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography.
    www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?... - En caché - Similares
  2. [DOC]

    Ethnography is the work of describing a culture

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    An example: a micro-ethnography/ classroom ethnography. Learning as a social, dialogic process. Learning is viewed as a human activity in which participants ...
    lang.ntou.edu.tw/teacher/.../What%20is%20Ethnography.doc - Similares
  3. Open Research Online - Classroom ethnography: Empirical and ...

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    de M Hammersley - 1990 - Citado por 167 - Artículos relacionados
    3 Mar 2010 ... Classroom ethnography: Empirical and methodological essays. Hammersley, Martyn (1990). Classroom ethnography: Empirical and methodological ...
    oro.open.ac.uk/20348/ - En caché
  4. Gender, cognitive categorization, and classroom interaction ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Classroom ethnographies, carried out primarily in Africa, suggest that girls face an environment that leads to discouragement regardless of the gender of ...
    findarticles.com/p/articles/mi.../is.../ai_n8795556/ - En caché - Similares
  5. Hammersley (1990) Classroom ethnography: Empirical and ...

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    de M Hammersley - Citado por 170 - Artículos relacionados
    27 Feb 2002 ... Classroom ethnography: Empirical and methodological essays ... SUBJECT(S): Interaction analysis in education; Classroom environment; ...
    www.getcited.org/pub/102805699 - En caché - Similares
  6. Joseph Tobin

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Tobin, Joseph, “Method and Meaning in Comparative Classroom Ethnography,” in R. Alexander (Ed.), Learning from Comparing: New Directions in Comparative ...
    joetobin.net/articles.html - En caché - Similares
  7. Ethnography

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    22 Aug 2009 ... Kantor, Kenneth J. "Classroom Contexts and the Development of Writing Intuitions: An Ethnographic Case Study." New Directions in Composition ...
    wrt-howard.syr.edu/Bibs/Ethnography.htm - En caché - Similares
  8. Problems of Reliability and Validity in Ethnographic Research ...

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    de MD LeCompte - 1982 - Citado por 554 - Artículos relacionados
    Specialization: Research methods; classroom ethnography; educational sociology. ↵JUDITH PREISSLE GOETZ, Associate Professor, Social Science Education, ...
  9. Ethnography of the bilingual classroom

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de V Masemann - 1978 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
    classroom practices and the ethnography of bilingual education needs a .... ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE BILINGUAL CLASSROOM. 301 the six grades at the school, ...
    www.springerlink.com/index/TM2317221747193J.pdf - Similares
  10. Language, Ethnography, and Education: Bridging New Literacy ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Beyond the field of education, language in education, classroom ethnography, and literacy, scholars and students across a wide range of disciplines in which ...
    www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415872492/ - En caché

  1. Heinemann: Ethnographic Eyes

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    The challenge to classroom observers is to understand and reveal these implicit patterns. For Carolyn Frank, ethnography provides the perfect lens through ...
    college.heinemann.com/shared/.../E00201.asp - En caché - Similares
  2. ethnography: Definition from Answers.com

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    The American anthropologist George Spindler was a pioneer in applying ethnographic methodology to the classroom. Anthropologists like Daniel Miller and Mary ...
    www.answers.com/topic/ethnography - En caché - Similares
  3. Language learners as ethnographers - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Celia Roberts - 2001 - Education - 266 páginas
    Ethnography in the Classroom As teachers we certainly feel that teaching and learning in the ethnography classroom is special; but special in what sense? ...
  4. [PDF]

    Towards Dialogue: A Linguistic Ethnographic Study of Classroom ...

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    de A Lefstein - Artículos relacionados
    stead focusing on the individual utterance as unit of analysis. Towards Dialogue: A Linguistic Ethnographic Study of Classroom. Interaction and Change ...
    www.wlecentre.ac.uk/cms/files/project.../adam_lefstein_08-9.pdf - Similares
  5. Culturally relevant teaching

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    In H. Trueba, G. Guthrie, & K. Au (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 105–119). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. ...
    www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4474 - En caché - Similares
  6. Revista de educación - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    España. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia - 1956 - Education
    ERICKSON, F.: -What Makes School Ethno- graphy Ethnographic?-, en Council on Anthropology and Education Newslet- ... HAMMERSLEY, M.: Classroom ethnography. ...
  7. Reading an Academic Journal is Like Doing Ethnography | Badley ...

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    de G Badley - 2004 - Citado por 4 - Artículos relacionados
    Critical Introduction: Whither Classroom Ethnography? In Martyn Hammersley, Classroom Ethnography—Empirical and Methodological Essays (pp.1-12). ...
    www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/.../1428 - En caché
  8. IngentaConnect Critical Ethnography of a Sri Lankan Classroom ...

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    de AS Canagarajah - 1993 - Citado por 196 - Artículos relacionados
    TESOL Quarterly (TQ), a refereed professional journal, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL ...
  9. Ethnography of Communication

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    Ø Talking “race” in the classroom (not on-line, but Baldwin has a copy). Optional readings for your files! Ø More on the background of ethnographyanother ...
    my.ilstu.edu/~jrbaldw/372/Ethnography.html - En caché - Similares
  10. [DOC]

    Language Classroom Research - SLCR: WORKING REFERENCES

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    2 Mar 2010 ... In H. T. Trueba, G. P. Guthrie, & H. P. Au, (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 153–177). ...

  1. [DOC]

    Language Classroom Research - SLCR: WORKING REFERENCES

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    2 Mar 2010 ... In H. T. Trueba, G. P. Guthrie, & H. P. Au, (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 153–177). ...
  2. Teachers College Record: Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to ...

    de C Frank - Citado por 68 - Artículos relacionados
    In Ethnographic Eyes: A Teachers' Guide to Classroom Observation, Carolyn Frank provides a masterful introduction to the world of ethnography and in ...
  3. Ethnographic Solutions - Teleconditioning and the Postmodern Classroom

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    ETHNOGRAPHY. Product & Service Innovation Usability & User Experience ... He focuses specifically on what he calls the postmodern classroom, ...
    www.ethnographic-solutions.com/index.php?... - En caché - Similares
  4. Social Research Update 5: Ethnographic writing

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    de M Hammersley - Citado por 7 - Artículos relacionados
    ... Classroom ethnography (Open University Press 1990); Reading ethnographic ... Some of the concern with ethnographic writing arose out of the symbolic ...
    sru.soc.surrey.ac.uk/SRU5.html - En caché
  5. [PDF]


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    de S Florio-Ruane - Citado por 25 - Artículos relacionados
    the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. This book is one of the most readable and comprehensive collections of ...
    ncrtl.msu.edu/http/ipapers/html/pdf/ip892.pdf - Similares
  6. British Educational Research Association - Educational ethnography

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    de G Walford - Citado por 10 - Artículos relacionados
    Martyn Hammersley (1990) Classroom Ethnography (Buckingham, Open University Press). Chapters 5-8 are methodological. **Martyn Hammersley (1990) Reading ...
    www.bera.ac.uk/educational-ethnography/ - En caché - Similares
  7. [PDF]

    Translating Culture: From Ethnographic Information to Educational ...

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    de C Jordan - 1985 - Citado por 143 - Artículos relacionados
    tion effort, provides information about new population or classroom characteristics to which the program may need to be adapted. Classroom ethnography tends ...
  8. Lesley Bartlett | Teachers College

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    First, classroom ethnography reveals some of the weaknesses in Freire's theory of knowledge, his understanding of teacher-student relationships, ...
    www.tc.columbia.edu/faculty/bartlett/.../brazil.html - En caché - Similares
  9. [PDF]

    Categorized Classroom interaction and discourse analysis (Nov ...

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    Classroom ethnography: Empirical and methodological essays. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Hatch, E. (1992). Discourse and language education. ...
  10. [PDF]

    FLaRE Professional Paper: Ethnographic Research

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    de F Literacy - Artículos relacionados
    ETHNOGRAPHY IN THE CLASSROOM. If we look at a classroom from an ethnographic .... Ethnographic eyes: A teacher's guide to classroom observations. ...

  1. [PDF]

    pdf - The sociology and philosophy of mathematics revisited ...

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    de WK Bauchspies - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
    classroom teachers of mathematics. If audience numbers and interest warrant, we will be prepared to address issues in classroom ethnography facing graduate ...
    www.mes3.learning.aau.dk/Symposia.../Bauchspies_et_al.pdf - Similares
  2. [PDF]


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    This study was a classroom-based ethnography conducted by a teacher/ ...... for this particular classroom ethnography. The methodology evolved from a ...
  3. Culture and the bilingual classroom. Studies in classroom ...

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    de BH Jernudd - 2008
    Studies in classroom ethnography. Edited by Henry T. Trueba, Grace Pung Guthrie, and Kathryn Hu-Pei Au. Newbury House Publishers, Inc., Rowley, Mass., ...
  4. Handbook of reading research - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Michael L. Kamil, P. David Pearson, Rebecca Barr - 2000 - Education - 1010 páginas
    In HT Trueba, GP Guthrie, & KH Au (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 139-152). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. ...
  5. Talksci Bibliography

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. van Leeuwen, T. (In press). Music and ideology: Towards a ...
    academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/.../talksci-bib.htm - En caché - Similares
  6. The Viewer Viewed: The Reception of Ethnographic Films - Jay Ruby

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Regardless of the clarity of intention, ethnographic television programs continue to be made and broadcast and appropriated for the classroom. ...
    astro.temple.edu/~ruby/ruby/viewer.html - En caché - Similares
  7. Sociolinguistics: an international handbook of the science of ... - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Ulrich Ammon, Norbert Dittmar, Klaus J. Mattheier - 2006 - Language Arts & Disciplines - 876 páginas
    Canagarajah, S. (1993) "Critical Ethnography of a Sri Lankan Classroom: Ambiguities to Opposition to Reproduction through ESOL", in: TESOL Quarterly 27 (4), ...
  8. Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Observation ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Observation from Childhood Education provided by Find Articles at BNET.
    findarticles.com/p/articles/mi.../is.../ai_n8892724/ - En caché - Similares
  9. Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » “The Class” - parody of The ...

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    7 Feb 2010 ... The conversation has gone beyond the classroom. ... Wesch dedicated to exploring and extending the possibilities of digital ethnography. ...
    mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/?p=254 - En caché - Similares
  10. The dreamkeepers: successful teachers of African American children - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Gloria Ladson-Billings - 2009 - Education - 225 páginas
    Culture and the Bilingual Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 1981, 139–152. 3. See, for example, Cazden, C., ...

  1. The dreamkeepers: successful teachers of African American children - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Gloria Ladson-Billings - 2009 - Education - 225 páginas
    Culture and the Bilingual Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 1981, 139–152. 3. See, for example, Cazden, C., ...
  2. Teaching and researching invention: using ethnography in ESL ...

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    de JA Liebman-Kleine - 1987 - Citado por 9 - Artículos relacionados
    but in the context in which it occurs—in this case, the classroom. Some ... illustrate the benefits of ethnography and to convince other ESL writing ...
  3. Teacher-student classroom interactions: the influence of gender ...

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    Contemporary ethnography is based almost entirely on fieldwork. . England: Open University Press. Jackson, P. (1968). Life in the classroom. ...
    www.thefreelibrary.com/Teacher-student+classroom+interactions%3A+the+influence+of+gender,...-a021072030 - En caché
  4. Handbook of ethnography - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey, Sara Delamont - 2007 - Social Science - 507 páginas
    Smith (USA), in her introduction to Martyn Hammersley's (UK) book Classroom Ethnography (1990) 'was struck by the fact that Martyn and I both had been doing ...
  5. [PDF]

    Santa Barbara Classroom Discourse Group Bibliography 1992 Santa ...

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    Classroom: An Interactional Ethnographic Analysis of Historicity and. Consequentiality. Unpublished dissertation, University of California at Santa ...
  6. [PDF]

    Ethnic pride and the classroom: An ethnographic study of classroom ...

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    de K Menken - Artículos relacionados
    'Ethnography of schooling“ is particularly interesting because many of the rules for appropriate behavior are given to the children in the form of classroom ...
    www.wpel.net/v10/v10n1_Menken.pdf - Similares
  7. Developing contrastive pragmatics: interlanguage and ... - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Martin Pütz, JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer - 2008 - Social Science - 437 páginas
    I draw on data collected in a classroom ethnography which took place in an English language program with international exchange, or study abroad, ...
  8. Classroom literacy activity for Spanish-speaking students* - Elsevier

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de C Delgado-Gaitan - 1989 - Citado por 12 - Artículos relacionados
    11 Jan 2007 ... In: H.T. Trueba, G.P. Guthrie and K.H. Au, Editors, Culture in the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography, Newbury House, ...
  9. Ethnography and classroom communication: Taking an “emic” perspective

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    de GE García - 1992 - Citado por 20 - Artículos relacionados
    Ethnography anrl Classroom Communication 55 ... classroom ethnographers who focus on understanding the role of language in classroom instruction and (b) ...
  10. Methods of literacy research: the methodology chapters from The ... - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    Michael L. Kamil - 2002 - Education - 164 páginas
    To redress this problem, educational ethnographers have begun trying to add "Eve's task" to ... bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. ...

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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. RELIGION IN AMERICAN HISTORY: Ethnography in Religious Studies ...

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    6 Dec 2007 ... Ethnography in Religious Studies Classroom. BY KELLY BAKER For at least seven semesters now, I have assigned all my Religion classes an ...
    usreligion.blogspot.com/.../ethnography-in-religious-studies.html - En caché
  2. [DOC]


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    de M Tamboukou - Citado por 9 - Artículos relacionados
    Smith, L.M. (1990) 'Critical Introduction' in Hammersley, M. Classroom Ethnography, (Buckingham, Open University Press). Strauss, A. (1987) Qualitative Data ...
  3. Sociolinguistics for Educational Researchers — Am Educ Res J

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    (1981) in Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography, Teaching reading to Hawaiian children: Finding a culturally appropriate ...
  4. History of the Ethnography Forum | Penn GSE

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    The annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of .... about the paths that brought them to classroom ethnographic research. ...
    www.gse.upenn.edu/cue/forum/history - En caché - Similares
  5. CiteULike: Critical Ethnography of a Sri Lankan Classroom ...

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    de SA Canagarajah - 1993 - Citado por 196 - Artículos relacionados
    Suresh A. Canagarajah. TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 4. (1993), pp. 601-626. The article argues that the way in which domination is experienced and ...
    www.citeulike.org/user/jonathanpiano/article/2499667 - En caché
  6. [PDF]

    Peer Tutoring in a Multiethnic Classroom in the Netherlands: A ...

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    de M DE HAAN - Citado por 9 - Artículos relacionados
    Reading to Hawaiian Children: Finding a Culturally Appropriate Solution,” in Culture and the Bilingual. Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography, ed. ...
  7. A Picaresque Tale from the Land of Kidwatching: Teacher Research ...

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    Classroom ethnography, case study, autobiography, curriculum development and ... a well-published ethnographer who tells the dean of research that the HSR ...
    www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/279 - En caché - Similares
  8. ProQuest Document View - Gendered patterns of participation in ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de G Quon - 2006
    Field notes from participant observation, informal interviews, and video/audio taped classroom interactions provided the data for this classroom ethnography ...
    gradworks.umi.com/14/34/1434686.html - En caché
  9. Becoming a Problem: How and Why Children Acquire a Reputation as ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    30 Dec 2009 ... The research team looked at classroom discipline and behaviour, .... pupil identity, classroom ethnography, challenging behaviour, ...
    www.ttrb.ac.uk/viewArticle2.aspx?contentId=16121 - En caché
  10. Emerald | Studies in Educational Ethnography | References for ...

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    de L Solutions
    Options: Order form | Infotrieve; J. Tobin (1999) "Method and meaning in comparative classroom ethnography", Options: Order form | Infotrieve; M. Crossley, ...

  1. [PDF]

    CURRICULUM VITA Louise B. Jennings Associate Professor Department ...

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    ethnographic and sociolinguistic studies of classroom practices in 3 ... Qualitative research methods, classroom ethnography, foundations in multicultural ...
  2. Challenges and possibilities of Holocaust education and critical ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de LB Jennings - 2010 - Artículos relacionados
    This classroom ethnography examines the engagement of fifth-grade children in a year-long study of rights, respect, and responsibility, which culminated in ...
  3. classroom interaction | Definition of classroom interaction ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Find out what classroom interaction means: A Dictionary of Sociology has the ... Key words: education, teacher perceptions, gender, classroom ethnography; ...
    www.highbeam.com/.../1O88-classroominteraction.html - En caché - Similares
  4. Defining Instructional Conversation

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de JS de Valenzuela
    30 Jul 2002 ... In H. T. Trueba & G. P. Guthrie & K. H.-P. Au (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 139-152). ...
    www.unm.edu/~devalenz/.../instructconv.html - En caché - Similares
  5. classroom interaction – Dictionary definition of classroom ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Key words: education, teacher perceptions, gender, classroom ethnography; Guatemala growing body... Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News ...
    www.encyclopedia.com/.../1O88-classroominteraction.html - En caché - Similares
  6. An Auto-ethnography: Critiquing the Cultural Milieu of My Classroom

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de MC Greene - 2006
    Title: An Auto-ethnography: Critiquing the Cultural Milieu of My Classroom. Author: Greene, Morgan Camille. Description: In this auto-ethnographic study I ...
    drc.ohiolink.edu/handle/2374.OX/3431 - En caché
  7. Instructor Information JCE Classroom Activity Color My Nanoworld W

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    18 May 2009 ... Classroom ethnography: Focus on communication. Price: $49.95 Buy Now. I conducted research at three educational sites, a private learning ...
    www.docstoc.com/.../Instructor-Information-JCE-Classroom-Activity-Color-My-Nanoworld-W - En caché - Similares
  8. [DOC]

    Simon Goodchild Classroom Research: Impact and Long Term - Manual

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    de S Goodchild - Artículos relacionados
    Nevertheless my use of Lave's description of an ethnographer suggests to me that classroom 'ethnography' is not a reasonable option – even though I admit ...
    people.exeter.ac.uk/.../Goodchild%20%20Classroom%20Research%20Impact%20and%2... - Similares
  9. Joseph Tobin - ASU College of Education - Educational Leadership ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Tobin, Joseph, “Method and Meaning in Comparative Classroom Ethnography,” in R. Alexander (Ed.), Learning from Comparing: New Directions in Comparative ...
    coe.asu.edu/elps/faculty/tobin.php - En caché - Similares
  10. Linguistic Ethnography

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Linguistic ethnography typically takes a poststructuralist orientation by .... The second strand of classroom work is more focused on the classroom as a ...
    www.ling-ethnog.org.uk/linguisticethnography.html - En caché - Similares

  1. [PDF]

    But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant ...

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    de G Ladson-Billings - 1995 - Citado por 433 - Artículos relacionados
    Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 105-119). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. Morris, A. (1984). The origins of the civil rights move- ...
    principals.mpls.k12.mn.us/.../Ladson-Billings_ButThat_27sJustGoodTeaching.pdf - Similares
  2. Human Organization, Spring 1998

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de V Lyon-Callo - 1998 - Citado por 11 - Artículos relacionados
    Key words: education, teacher perceptions, gender, classroom ethnography, Guatemala In countries such as Guatemala, where a large percentage of the female ...
    www.sfaa.net/ho/1998/spring1998.html - En caché
  3. [PDF]

    This item was submitted to Loughborough's Institutional Repository ...

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    de S Wellbourne-Wood - 1999 - Artículos relacionados
    systems is a significant concept in terms of the classroom ethnography. As a cultural entity, the behaviours within this classroom take place ...
  4. [PDF]

    Negotiating Discourse Expectations in an English as a Foreign ...

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    de B Craig - 1997 - Citado por 3 - Artículos relacionados
    classroom interactions and student behaviors. Components of a classroom ethnography of communication. One of the central aims of sociolinguistic research is ...
  5. T-Space at The University of Toronto Libraries: Critical ...

    de J Shin - 2010 - Artículos relacionados
    25 Feb 2010 ... Title: Critical Ethnography of a Multilingual and Multicultural Korean Language Classroom: Discourses on Identity, Investment and Korean- ...
    https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/19165 - En caché
  6. [PDF]

    The Evolution of Bilingual Education in an American Indian ...

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    de JG Ahler - 1994 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
    Ethnography of bilingual education. In Culture and the. Bilingual Classroom: Studies in Classroom Ethnography. ed. H. Trueba, G. Guthrie, and K. Au, 36-55. ...
  7. DSpace at the University of Lethbridge: Reading and writing in the ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de KR Ronda - 1995 - Artículos relacionados
    Abstract: Following the tradition of classroom ethnography, this classroom case study provides rich descriptions of the shared day-to-day experiences of the ...
    www.uleth.ca/dspace/handle/10133/870 - En caché
  8. TLC 321 > Cell Phone Ethnography > Final Draft

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    The objective of this cell phone ethnography was to research the use of cell phones on the college campus and in the classroom. We hypothesized that the ...
    www.anotherpointless.com/school/tlc/321/.../5/ - En caché - Similares
  9. Instructor's Perspective

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    30 May 2004 ... My dissertation involved self-reflexive educational ethnography (participant-observation research in the computer classroom and at a local ...
    www.bgsu.edu/cconline/.../instructor.html - En caché - Similares
  10. Breaking down white-privilege through oral histories: Transforming ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Using ethnographic research methods as pedagogical processes within the classroom offered a space for situated student learning because it generated rich ...
    convention3.allacademic.com/meta/p172937_index.html - En caché

  1. Evidence-based Practice in Education - Richard Pring,Gary Thomas ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    He has written several books: (with Paul Atkinson) Ethnography: principles in ... Classroom Ethnography (Open University Press 1990); Reading Ethnographic ...
    www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/html/0335213340.html - En caché - Similares
  2. Ethnography and Adult Workplace Literacy Program Design. ERIC Digest.

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de T Castaldi - 1991 - Artículos relacionados
    For example, authors in Cazden, Hymes, and John (1972) used ethnographic methods to explore the social functions of language use in the classroom. ...
    www.ericdigests.org/pre-9220/design.htm - En caché - Similares
  3. CHI 97: Interactive Ethnography: Digital Photography at Lincoln ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de BA Nardi - Artículos relacionados
    The CD-ROM contains the students' digital photos, video of classroom activities, ... The role of ethnography in interactive systems design. interactions. ...
    www.sigchi.org/chi97/proceedings/demo/ban.htm - En caché - Similares
  4. [DOC]

    ResearchMethods - Writers at Work

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    Week 3 (Jan 21) Introduction to Cultural Ethnography and Classroom Ethnography. · Whistlin' and Crowin' Women of Appalachia: Literacy Practices since ...
  5. Paul Longo, Ph.D. - LinkedIn

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Des Moines, Iowa Area - Research & Evaluation Consultant & Facilitator
    1990-91: Directed a team of five classroom ethnographers investigating discourse patterns and participation structures in ethnically and linguistically ...
    www.linkedin.com/in/pauljlongo - En caché
  6. Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms for Gifted African ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de DY Ford - 2000 - Citado por 18 - Artículos relacionados
    In H. Trueba, G. Guthrie, & K. Au (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 139–152). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. ...
    journals.prufrock.com › ... › Volume 23 | Issue 4 - En caché - Similares
  7. NRDC : Research Methods

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Researchers tend to talk of 'ethnographic approaches', as there isn't a single method. An ethnographer in the classroom, for example, is likely to combine ...
    www.nrdc.org.uk › PublicationsReflect Magazine - En caché - Similares
  8. [PDF]

    But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
    de G Ladson-Billings - 1995 - Citado por 433 - Artículos relacionados
    bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp,. 105-119), Rowley, MA: Newbury House. Morris, A. (1984). The origins of the civil rights ...
    www.tolerance.org/tdsi/sites/tolerance.../Ladson-Billings_PDF.pdf - Similares
  9. [PDF]

    Performance Ethnography: Scholarly inquiry in the here and now

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    de CM Oberg - Artículos relacionados
    Performance Ethnography in the College Classroom. Performance ethnography has relevant applications to student learning in the college classroom. ...
    kwantlen.ca/TD/.../TD.2.1_Oberg_Performance_Ethnography.pdf - Similares
  10. [PDF]

    Spring 2003 Prof. Jane Zuengler EN 711: Research Methods in ...

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    Classroom ethnography. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Vol. 8:Research Methods in Language and Education, N. H. Hornberger & D.Corson (Eds.), ...

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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Ethnography and Adult Workplace Literacy Program Design. ERIC Digest.

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    de T Castaldi - 1991 - Artículos relacionados
    For example, authors in Cazden, Hymes, and John (1972) used ethnographic methods to explore the social functions of language use in the classroom. ...
    www.ericdigests.org/pre-9220/design.htm - En caché - Similares
  2. CHI 97: Interactive Ethnography: Digital Photography at Lincoln ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de BA Nardi - Artículos relacionados
    The CD-ROM contains the students' digital photos, video of classroom activities, ... The role of ethnography in interactive systems design. interactions. ...
    www.sigchi.org/chi97/proceedings/demo/ban.htm - En caché - Similares
  3. [DOC]

    ResearchMethods - Writers at Work

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    Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word - Versión en HTML
    Week 3 (Jan 21) Introduction to Cultural Ethnography and Classroom Ethnography. · Whistlin' and Crowin' Women of Appalachia: Literacy Practices since ...
  4. Paul Longo, Ph.D. - LinkedIn

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Des Moines, Iowa Area - Research & Evaluation Consultant & Facilitator
    1990-91: Directed a team of five classroom ethnographers investigating discourse patterns and participation structures in ethnically and linguistically ...
    www.linkedin.com/in/pauljlongo - En caché
  5. Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms for Gifted African ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de DY Ford - 2000 - Citado por 18 - Artículos relacionados
    In H. Trueba, G. Guthrie, & K. Au (Eds.), Culture and the bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp. 139–152). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. ...
    journals.prufrock.com › ... › Volume 23 | Issue 4 - En caché - Similares
  6. NRDC : Research Methods

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Researchers tend to talk of 'ethnographic approaches', as there isn't a single method. An ethnographer in the classroom, for example, is likely to combine ...
    www.nrdc.org.uk › PublicationsReflect Magazine - En caché - Similares
  7. [PDF]

    But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
    de G Ladson-Billings - 1995 - Citado por 433 - Artículos relacionados
    bilingual classroom: Studies in classroom ethnography (pp,. 105-119), Rowley, MA: Newbury House. Morris, A. (1984). The origins of the civil rights ...
    www.tolerance.org/tdsi/sites/tolerance.../Ladson-Billings_PDF.pdf - Similares
  8. [PDF]

    Performance Ethnography: Scholarly inquiry in the here and now

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
    de CM Oberg - Artículos relacionados
    Performance Ethnography in the College Classroom. Performance ethnography has relevant applications to student learning in the college classroom. ...
    kwantlen.ca/TD/.../TD.2.1_Oberg_Performance_Ethnography.pdf - Similares
  9. [PDF]

    Spring 2003 Prof. Jane Zuengler EN 711: Research Methods in ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
    Classroom ethnography. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Vol. 8:Research Methods in Language and Education, N. H. Hornberger & D.Corson (Eds.), ...
  10. Observation Techniques

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    At least ethnography is aware of its limitations, it has to make a claim to .... Hopkins, D. (1993) A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research (see Chapter 7 ...
    www.edu.plymouth.ac.uk/resined/.../obshome.htm - En caché - Similares

  1. Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty : Writing Studies : University of ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    3 Sep 2010... education and institutions, cultural ethnography ... literacy and identity, critical discourse analysis, classroom ethnography ...
    writingstudies.umn.edu/people/faculty.html - En caché - Similares
  2. [PDF]

    Being a Student: An Ethnographic Perspective

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    de TE Ethnographically - Artículos relacionados
    about these topics and discussing them in the classroom. In developing the curriculum for the new Ethnographer's Craft my aim was to introduce a ...
    www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/ceebl/projects/casestudies/5.pdf - Similares
  3. [PDF]


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    --VAN LIER, Leo, The classroom and the language learner, Longman, Londres, 1988. --VAN LIER, Leo, “Ethnography: Bandaid, Bandwagon or Contraband? ”,pp. ...
    www.educacion.es/redele/biblioteca2005/anadon/8.pdf - Similares
  4. Dangerous Writing - Utah State University

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    In addition to work by others, Tony Scott also draws from two of his own studies--a classroom ethnography of an upper division writing class that was ...
    www.usu.edu/usupress/books/index.cfm?isbn... - En caché - Similares
  5. [PDF]

    ECD/SPF 791 Educational Ethnography Fall 2006 Joseph Tobin Office ...

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    Classroom Ethnography. Reading: (not yet selected). Paper 3 due: observation/participation of an educational setting. How to interview informants ...
  6. Ethnography for teacher education. | Goliath Business News

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    1 May 2004 ... She asked students to draw maps of the classroom, record event logs, and become participant observers and ethnographic interviewers. ...
    goliath.ecnext.com/.../Ethnography-for-teacher-education.html - En caché - Similares
  7. Welcome!

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    "Classroom Ethnography: Collaborative Inquiry into Collaborative Writing". "Interpreting Interpretations: The Complexity of Classrooms and Classroom ...
    www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~syverson/ - En caché
  8. IngentaConnect Competing Interests between Researcher, Teacher and ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    de M MALIN - 2003 - Citado por 7 - Artículos relacionados
    This article discusses ethical dilemmas which confront ethnographic research in classrooms, using my own classroom ethnography in illustration. ...
  9. [RTF]

    Exploring context: Localness and the role of ethnography

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    de I CP110 - Artículos relacionados
    Critical ethnography of a Sri Lankan classroom: ambiguities in. student opposition to reproduction through ESOL. TESOL Quarterly 27: 601-626. ...
  10. [PDF]

    Hybrid Learning in Teacher Education: Using Ethnography as a Way ...

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    de JW Brown - Artículos relacionados
    instructor experiences in a hybrid learning classroom are explored using ethnography as a way to illustrate how students negotiate their own language, ...

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