(about photograph: this "cloud-dog" is a pareidolia, as a sensorial singularity, where you identify some familiar image. actual societal decomposition means the actual representationist decomposition. pareidolias, and "pareidolosis", as the ingestion of too much pareidolias by citizens, seems as a cruxial and meridian concept (or meme) to understand, for example, how some particular opinion reproduces with such increasing fitness, across society, as for produing such mass murdering as we have seen in 20 century Europa, for example. The end of pareidolosis means the end of fascism, that have uses and overuses pareidolias for reproduing itself, across the new modern mass media appearing in 20 century. And we have in a 21 century that have three basic and global tools (against pareidolosis):
the Global Social revolution,
the Global Scientific Revolution,
and The Global technological Revolution)
Conventional Hierarchical Classroom Setting is a machine of Pareidolosis, and thus, of Fascism, where one face, one individual, one human, one image is over-repeated, over-represented; in the meanwhile that 99% rest anonymous...)

I have sent this question to that web.
About Attention Deficit Disorders:
Did any scientist study the correlation of ADD with the activities in the classrroom?
Our hipotesis is that those classrooms where students are structured in a circle, allowing visual communication among all, and thus participating continuously in grupal activities, will have a lower presence of ADD, than those classrrooms where the most common activity is the conventional lecture, and where students are seated in a orthogonal structure, with rows and columns.
The circle is the common way we humans communicated ourselves in most occasions, and in a spontaneous decision.
We think that in that way, we not only would solve a public health problem, but also a public education problem, increasing the eficiency of the educational process.
When a researcher begin a research, he or she don't know what will be the results.
"Small solutions for big problems".
We need the assistance of doctors about classroom structure in our 21th century. Maybe you got surprised after reading our question. We have dedicated years to that global problem of "hyerarchical classrooms".
Maybe this favorable change in classrooms, towards true participatory learning activities will benefit education and society in a manner other people haven't imagined..
Pregunta en Yahoo:
¿Desaparecería el Trastorno de Hiperactividad y Déficit de Atención si las clases fueran más participativas?
Hay alumnos que durante años, han asistido a clases dominadas por la lección magistral, donde las sillas o bancas están colocadas en filas y columnas, todas mirando hacia el frente, donde se sitúa el profesor.
Hay un número menor de alumnos, que sí tienen experiencia en clases con las sillas colocadas en círculo, o en "U", donde al facilitar la interacción entre ellos, las clases son más participativas, más grupales y todo se hace más fluido y más fácil.
Puede que el llamado trastorno de hiperactividad (y déficit de atención) , esté causado por la inactividad, y la falta de interacción, a las que los alumnos son sometidos en las llamadas aulas jerárquicas, precisamente en una edad donde el desarrollo de nuestros sistemas orgánicos exige que nuestros cuerpos estén activos y en movimiento.
Y en cuanto al déficit de atención, ¿cuántas veces hemos escuchado que a los 20 minutos nuestros cerebros desconectan?
¿Serán las aulas jerarquicas y/o con bancas esclavas (atornilladas al suelo, como en la universidad), el talón de Aquiles del actual sistema antidemocrático actualmente en profunda crisis y renovación?
¿Serán las aulas en "U", la solución más sencilla y barata, desde abajo, para volver a empoderarnos, todos y todas, y hacernos ciudadanos/as responsables, libres y que de verdad participamos en la construccion de la sociedad?
"The Question is the Message":
adhd and education
adhd and the kind of education
ADHD and the type of education
Attention is lost in 20 minutes
1) Does Educational Experience Affects ADHD?
2) Does educational experience Produces ADHD?
3) Does educational experience Causes ADHD?
Education and ADHD
Kind of Education and ADHD
School and ADHD
School Causes ADHD
School Produces ADHD
Conventional Schooling Causes ADHD
Traditional School Setting Causes ADHD
Traditional School Setting and ADHD
ADHD and unschooled children
ADHD and alternative education
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