(About Image: From Amazon: L'avenir du monde ne peut plus attendre. Pour appréhender la société autrement, nous devons changer de " logiciel de pensée ". Parmi les modes d'action nécessaires à cette évolution se trouve la collaboration. Qualifiée de " radicale " par certains hommes d'affaires américains convaincus de l'urgence de travailler en bonne intelligence pour construire le monde durable de demain, la collaboration peut renouveler nos façons de faire à différents niveaux de la société. En le faisant passer du " moi " au " nous ", la corévolution donne un autre espace de déploiement concret au développement durable. Cet ouvrage décrypte donc ce phénomène de partage : il valorise différents exemples et cas d'école, et montre en quoi les corévolutions impactent profondément nos organisations (groupes humains, associations, collectivités, mouvement politique, entreprises, etc.). L'émergence du web participatif facilite la mise en réseau et encourage la transparence des échanges : cette logique imprègne peu à peu notre façon de penser, d'agir, de consommer (mouvement de " consommation collaborative " qui nous incite à couchsurfer, covoiturer, cotravailler, autopartager, " louer citoyen ", etc.), mais aussi d'entreprendre (dépasser la logique de compétition), de militer et de manager. Alors que 2012 a été déclarée année internationale des coopératives, tout porte à croire que la tendance va prendre de l'ampleur dans les années à venir.)

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Quizás quisiste decir: coevolution: Coevolution among Social, Scientific and Technological Revolution
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Co-Evolution of Science, Technology and Society. Expert Review for ...
doc.utwente.nl/44524/ - Traducir esta páginade A Rip - 2002 - Citado por 26 - Artículos relacionados
Rip, A. (2002) Co-Evolution of Science, Technology and Society. Expert Review for the Bundesministerium Bildung und Forschung's Forderinitiative 'Politik, ...- [PDF]
Arie Rip
www.sciencepolicystudies.de/.../expertise-rip.pdf - Traducir esta páginaFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
de A Rip - Citado por 26 - Artículos relacionados
Chapter 1: Co-evolution of science, technology and society as an entrance point to study ... about “bridging of the gap” between science and technology on the one hand, and ... Such reflections are a starting point to address basic questions of the social .....Historically, the separation was part of the industrial revolution. - [PDF]
Co-Evolution of Information Revolution and Spread of Democracy - Traducir esta páginaFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
de W Frisch - Citado por 4 - Artículos relacionados
Co-Evolution of Information Revolution and Spread of. Democracy. Walter Frisch. University Vienna - Institute of Government and Comparative Social Science ... oftechnological change since the early 1980s has often outpaced our ability to define ....between independent and dependent variables in pooled data sets for six ... Coevolution as a constraint: How society tempers technological
www.johnseelybrown.com/replytojoy.html - Traducir esta páginaCompleting the revolutionary picture, even the president looked forward to a time when... First, it indicates the fallibility of techno-social predictions. ... From his unique position of unrivalled scientific knowledge and personal experience, .... The process resembles one of “co-evolution,” with technology and society mutually ...- [PDF]
The Holocene revolution: The co-evolution of farming and private ...
de SBJK Choi
The Holocene revolution: The co-evolution of farming and private property ... Amongthe outstanding puzzles in human social dynamics is the simultaneous emergence ...institutions.22-25 But the technological and institutional innovations of the early Holocene are ..... National Science Foundation for support of this project ...
Co-Evolution of Technology, Media and Collective Action
wp.nmc.org/coevolution/ - Traducir esta página
Co-Evolution of Technology, Media and Collective Action ... Age of NetworkTechnology ... Print as a Revolutionary System ... collective defense and collective food-gathering among primate ancestors on the African savannah; ... At each of these stages, people began to do things together in the social, economic, cultural, ...
de HMCBD Computing - Artículos relacionados
technology, as the basis for much of what passes as empirical social science ... A yet different response has it that among social theorists there is often the .... result rapidco-evolution and perhaps coalescence of these research areas ..... From the social science side, this ostensibly exogenous technological revolution will ...
The New Coevolution of Information Science and Social Science:
www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/compsoc.axtell.pdf - Traducir esta página
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade HMCBD Computing - Artículos relacionados
technology, as the basis for much of what passes as empirical social science ... A yet different response has it that among social theorists there is often the .... result rapidco-evolution and perhaps coalescence of these research areas ..... From the social science side, this ostensibly exogenous technological revolution will ...
de S Bowles - 2009 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
Abstract: The joint dynamics of population-level social institutions and ... the long term persistence of inefficient institutions, the often revolutionary nature of institutional and cultural change and the prominent role of technical change in the ... “Coevolution of Preferences and to the Behavioral Science Program of the Santa Fe ...
The Coevolution of Institutions and Preferences: History and Theory
www.santafe.edu/media/.../09-04-008.pdf - Traducir esta página
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade S Bowles - 2009 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
Abstract: The joint dynamics of population-level social institutions and ... the long term persistence of inefficient institutions, the often revolutionary nature of institutional and cultural change and the prominent role of technical change in the ... “Coevolution of Preferences and to the Behavioral Science Program of the Santa Fe ...
de KS Kwon - 2011 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
The recent increase in co-publishing and co-patenting between universities, ... newsocial contract, the scientific community is .... Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology and an MA .... Finally, during the 'academic revolution' stage ...
The co-evolution of universities' academic research and knowledge ...
spp.oxfordjournals.org/content/38/6/493.full.pdf - Traducir esta página
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidade KS Kwon - 2011 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
The recent increase in co-publishing and co-patenting between universities, ... newsocial contract, the scientific community is .... Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology and an MA .... Finally, during the 'academic revolution' stage ...
Coevolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coevolution - Traducir esta página
Coevolution between pairs of entities (often referred to as pairwise coevolution) ...just in order to maintain its fitness relative to the systems it is co-evolving with".
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