martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Simboli, Veritá e Forme de Vita

I found this article searching about: "linguistica ecosistemica". In this text appears as "...communitá linguistica ecosistémica."

This formulation converges with the idea that a ecosystem is a 1) information, 2) knowledge and 3) linguistic system "per se". Actually any ecosystem is a ecosistemic linguistic community, or a linguistic community. All information within ecosystem is also a language, with independent of the kind of information, be visual, auditive, or any other sense.

It is easier to understand when you choose, for example, the birds or the insects, and their songs. They are "languaging" (lenguajear, in spanish, as used by Humberto Maturana), they are communicating, actually for any other living being, in the way that many bird songs are functionally interspecific, informing other species too. For example when Blackbird produces their alarm call, this information may  be usefully interpreted by other bird species, in a acoustic symbiosis.

Symbiosis may be approach at three dimensions:

1) Symbiosis 1.0, is the classical approach, related to diferent species in cooperation (+/+).

2) Symbiosis 2.0, is the approach when two species interact anyway, not only cooperating (+/+, +/-)

3) Symbiosis 0.0, is the ecosystem "per se", where different species share a space-time, with independence of being symbionts of the two kind above: 1) and 2). The mere coexistence of any two species within a ecosystem.

This third kind of (basic, by default) symbiosis merges with that holistic view of the ecosystem as a triple system, where language, knowledge and information overlap holistically in a dynamic way.

In that way the physical, sensible ecosystem, merges as the ideal integrator where any piece of information can be included. In that link, machines, human and birds are sucessfully integrated in the same space-time, in the same ecosystem.

The only problem here, specially for specialists, is to return to common sense, to their natural and common intuition. Today, our societies cannot allow more to specialists to follow living in their so abstract limb or dreamworld, or Platonian Cave, that is so far of common sense. The only way universities can add to the society in that global crisis, is being them global too. That is, making the necessary integration among all that new scientific knowledge and, in that way, evolving from atomistic specialities towards transdisciplines where we give relevance to the interconnections among theories and knowledges, and not to barriers.

We are approaching (just look at internet) towards a global science, as a logical product of the evolution towards integrative and transdisciplinarity. This strong, useful, and symplectic convergence is  observable across very diferent disciplines, where diferent authors and teams, are empowering throughout opening their brains and senses, "to look all the landscape", beyond their brains (embodied), and beyond their bodies (embedded).

In that sense, our deep congratulations for the great jump of the Brasília School of Ecolinguistics, that is developing a particular theory, called Ecosystemic Linguistics, more inclusional than previous ecolinguistic focuses...

(These comments by Agustin Antunez Corrales and I.S.M.A: "Iniciativas de Sostenibilidad Medioambiente y Autogestion")

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