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We were tu publish this note (or annotation) within the mother-blog within the Guay Gueby Gueb, merely;
We chose "risuspaschalis" as "user-name", as we would choose within dizaines within different Guay Gueby Gueb possible "user' names".
We chose this blog,, within hundred and more within Guay Gueby Gueb, because after choosing "risuspaschalis" as "user' name", within dizaines of them, we didn't found within the desk-top of "risuspaschalis" "user' name";
Well, within infinitoid possibiliries, we chosed to build this text (the art of the science of the Art), with lines taken from a google finding...
In last days we archived onfo (well, is not incorrect, but a more realistic idea about the way, autopoietic and anarcoepsitemic, in wich INFO IS ORGANIZED in Guay gueby gueb) about ) abaout the number of visualizations of the profiles of the different "user-names" within Guay Gueby Gueb...
Well to obtain the order of the lines (spanish renglones) of this test, we are going to take them from google.
It's like the essence of ceremonies that actualy add to maintaeining the patriarchy (maybe cuartoymitá, segúnykómol?)...
Los premios....
Cuando los premios son comunitarios, mas gente se enriquece...
More inclusive is the entity that obtain the premium more beneficies for all society we obtrain as hummanity.
Premium in any area of knowledge...
To give any people is an insult to all humanity in this way denied, accordin to the inclusivity of the actor that receive the premium,,,!
If ne4xt premiem of bank of sweden is for GAYA, for example, not only we take to aur direct consciousness (merely sensual or sensorial) all the info (sensorial at all) we have, as humannity, but also all info that fused any instant to build sensosphere, as Direct Gaya Language or Consensual Gaya Language...
Not only this is the gift our creativity obtain in the moment you freely imagine that as real (as a paralel universe, so real as this, within multiverse), but your cri-cre-cui (children philosophy: CRI-tics, CRE-ative, AND CAR-ing (spanish CUIdado) consciousness obtain another suculent gift, merely comparable to "percebes" (sorry, my estomac is also within this conversation of conversations)...
The other gift is the way that is opening in front of us to qualify symplecticaly our inmediate reality (through Creality), and, remembering the intuiscience of infimonikal system, to be aware of the sobig DESPILFARRO of the bank of sweden as colectivities are UNA RAYA EN EL AGUA in the premium-receiver-list...
Of course we would calculate (qualify, qualitative, or semi.) the quantity of money bank of sweden would DEVOLVER to GAYA (or social groups in general) ACCORDING TO the rate of originality of the "scientific creation, recreation, or discovery".
For example, DNA is an insult to say that is a scientific creation, or recreation, is merely a scientific discovery.
If we choose GAYA as "EL TERCERO EN DISCORDIA" in all our conversations and discussions, we would be more and more creativily aware of the importance of to be aware of sensosphere any moment of your present you sholud choose to "semi-formaly" "TRAMAJARSE-NOS" the sensosphere as the "Grand-Mother of uS, "
gRAND MOTHERS ALWAYS CONSERVE valuing info about many aspects of life, because their experience, according to lineal time, as a sediment (active) that integrate the comunnity knowledge, and of course knowledge society too!!!
Well, now we come back to building of this test...
We are goin to put hyperlinks IN THE TEXT RESULTING OF TAKING ONE RENGLON of any of the most guglized tests about guay gueby gueb and their rich metasemantic galaxy
rHESE hyperlink being from arts, sciences, music, old and modern times...mixing all this huperlink onfo in increasing density from the beginning of the text to the end of yhe text...
A sinfgle example is in the beginning of this draft...
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