martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Matriztic Neurophenomenology

Matriztic Neurophenomenology have her fundations in the renewal that is living twenty-one century Neuroscience. Why all that incredible scientific revolution have almost no impact in actual societies is a very interesting reflection point. Of course many scientists, or neuroscientists, after reading that, would say: Of course that revolution is going now, and actualy is the cause of the correspondent revolution in all neurosciences. But when you explore wikipedia, as a relative open window where to assist to that revolution, the results are, in general, writen under the "old" paradigm: representationism. Fortunately, there are so many points, or hot-spots, in wikipedia, that our opinion is wholy optimist. As a clear example of that, please look at wikipedia texts here in previous post. It seems that the speed of "epistemic revolution" in wikipedia articles for neurophenomenology, is going to quickly contagion within wikipedia and everywhere...

Reading the Husserl' Javier San Martin Book on Hard Rationality, I suffered a likely sensation as that living Edmund Husserl at the moment of the inspiration about "coherence". Krisnamurti, an author from "Through the Mirror-Glass", that is retrieved some posts before, show with radical transparency the main arms of a "phenomenological-human". Here the free sprouting of new ideas is very well explained and described. Phenomenology of Krisnamurti and from many authors from through the mirror glass, give those very abundant arms that were hidden curriculum for domesticated modern "european" scientists. In this "medieval" ways, twenty one century one universities only have a way to recover widely their thinking and action. The "one".

As Foucault would suscribe, the domestication (better co-) affecting the way of thinking of "neoclasical" scientists, is actualy a domestication of, within, their own bodies. The neoclasical tipical alienation from the real world of scientist thinking need, as a basic principle, that their own bodies would be also co-domesticated. The paradox coming from that way of thinking-AND-LIVING, is the neoclasical dychotomy in any of their neoclasical formulation.

How will be the brain of scientists? How would be to loook as, and to live as, a scientist?
Matriztic neurophenomenology has the answer. If you (your mind, and your body) (dale alegría a tu cuerpo macarena!!!) live in coherence with your own hipotesis of living about that your body and mind are one, your doors of perception are going always to open more and more, as your own, mind-bodily experience is actualy dictating that to your brain, and to your language.

Matriztic Phenomenology is Embodied Embeded Neurophenomenology (Em Em Neur).

Ememneur = em em phenomenology = em phenomenology = phenomenology = common sense.

From years to now, scientists are more and more corroborating common sense in a miriad of disciplines and specialties (special tea).

But common sense (the way is the message) were forbidden in neoclasical scientific papers. As best writers don't have many barriers towards free (popular) ways of expression, for example Jaramago (the name of several rich hot edible old cultured popular cruciferae plants).

Common popular languages are autopoieticaly growing and growing by the very dynamics of communities. As the same for the song or voices of birds, of any animal. Popular stories are dynamic systems, changing by oral transmissions. In this way the texts are very much static.

The best science to understand the philosophical basis of common sense is phenomenology. What biological sciences never did, phenomnology explains in a very easy way: the pure act of perception, the "coin" of life, the minimal unity of living, the sensation.

Your life, or the life of gaya can be summed up in many sensations. Or a hipermegasensation. Take in account that number (here) is not important. Precisely each sensation is scientificaly defined as qualia.

But representationism see states, fotogramas de una película, que tú "puedes" conectar. En la psicología de la fluicidad, representada por Ricard Mathieu, and in your everyday life yo actualy see that sensations are processes, not states.

Tu vives, te revives, te reconstruyes, sumergido en un río, un arroyo de sensaciones. Cada sensación es laaaaaaaaaaaarga o crta, pero da igual al menos dura 10 elevado a la menos cuarenta. Eso es lo que tu vives. Si lo vives y lo piensas y lo piensas y lo vives, es importarse darse cuenta ¿Te da kuen?, ese absolutismo en libertad que es la sensosfera te enseña que ella eres tú.

Una vez embodied and embeded the phenomenology already we have enough carne en el asador para que arda con bastante fuerza la mecha.........................................................................................

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