The human physical experience is our consciousness expressed physically
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic
Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic, All Rights Reserved
RYUC Home Why free? Contact Links Programs Services Contributions List of TopicsOne of the single most powerful gifts Om, the creator of Physical Creation, offers us is that it has given us the opportunity to experience ourselves as we are, including all the fragmented and separation we carry within our being. It allows us to make all that we are physical and actually experience it as a physical experience. Om will allow our internal world to be reflected externally. The physical plane is a realm of existence where who and what we are becomes physical such that our body and the world we experience is a direct reflection of all the aspects of our being that can be expressed as physical. This can be understood in how the inner is reflected in the outer.
What needs to be understood is that we are manifesting our creative spirit/creative life energyas a physical entity and experience. Our creative spirit/creative life energy is express as our body, its environment and our experience. We are not one or the other but both. If we wish to know what our creative spirit looks like and to know who we think we are and what we think looks like in the physical world, we only need to look at our body and the world we have created. They are reflections of each other.
There are two parts to our identity as a consciousness as an incarnated creative spirit or human. They are our transcendental mind and the transcendental ego and our enculturated mind and the enculturated ego. The enculturated ego is who we think we are because of the experiences we have had this current reality. The transcendent ego is who we think we are because of all the experiences we have had. Our transcendental mind and ego are responsible for our incarnation at the place and time in history and the particular body we have. We did so to play a role that we feel we needed to have, or the role we needed to be, or the experience we needed to become complete and whole.
The physical plane is a plane of grounding. That is, it pulls our awareness into form. It is a very important experience for it shows us what we have become and are creating. The physical plane slows down our ability to create and ties our creations to time so that we can actually come to learn and understand how we create what we do. It gives us a chance to see exactly who and what it is we are creating and capable of creating. This is why so many esoteric and mystical teachers talk about earth being a school. But it is not a school to learn anything in particular. It is simply to experience our creations is a greater awareness. The only lesson to be learned if there is one is awareness and learn to become aware. To become aware and mindful of what we thinks, say, feel and do and to come to know what serves and doesn’t serve us.
There is a tremendous insight as to what is in our nonconscious mind that is available in creating within creation. That is, who and what we are becomes a one to one physical mapping into the creation we experience. Or, alternatively said, our consciousness is reflected physically. How this is done is reflected in the phenomenon of pair production.
In the oneness of the universe and the fact we each are an aspect of the infinite consciousness which permeates or lies behind Creation, the entire created world we experience is a direct reflection of us and what is inside us. A way to perceive this phenomenon is found in the discussion "Implications of Pair Production in our Creative Endeavors."
In the pair production phenomenon, energy in the form of a photon without any mass gets converted directly to mass. That is something that is "non physical" where "non physical" is defined as being without rest mass is converted into mass. In this phenomenon the massless energy takes on a physical form. When it does so, it create a particle and an antiparticle or a hole and a cutout if we choose to see it that way. What is important to realize is that we need to look at both the hole and the cutout, or the particle and the anti particle, if we wish to see the original energy which gives rise to the cutout.
The human physical experience allow us to manifest who and what we are directly into physical form. But who and what we are is split between our consciousness (the antiparticle or hole) and our body and the world in which our body exists (the particle or cutout). This is, in effect, to have ourinner world is reflected in the outer. The world of our consciousness is manifested as our body and its environment.
Our physical bodies are a direct reflection of our individuated consciousness and creative spirit in physical form. Our bodies embody what it thinks and believe in order to have an experience ofPhysical Creation as a human being. The current form, type, shape and characteristics we have are reflective of our current ego. Who and what we think we are and how we act and respond to the world as are result of having incarnated is reflected in our current enculturated ego.
The human physical experience is our consciousness expressed in the form of a human being and the experiences it has. We are not a spirit having a physical experience or a human being with a spiritual aspect. We are a creation within a creation where the expression of who and what we are is reflected in, and as, our physical body and the world we experience. We hold beliefs and desires in our transcendental mind that become manifested as the intention for our life as a human being. For whatever reason our enculturated mind thinks and believes the human physical experience will give us the type and kind of experience that will serve us and what we desire to experience.
In addition to creating, or participating in creating, the intention for our life, our transcendental mind has other influences. As the experience we have in our current life awaken memories in our transcendental mind, we may find ourselves returning to experience of past lives or prior existence. In essence, our nonconscious mind, notably the unconscious mind, is being made conscious by the experiences we have.
The physical plane allows us to experience the manifestation of exactly who and what we are and what we have created within our being. It allows us to reveal the attachments we have for they are what create the experience by how we bind the free flow of our creative life energy in our attachments is how we what create the experiences we have. The physical plane allows us to see and experience exactly who and what we are and how we have defined ourselves or have come to believe who we are.
We bring our desires into a physical experience by directing our creative life energy into physical manifestation by how we focus our attention and awareness. It also allows us to see ourattachments and all we carry in our transcendental mind for which our physical condition provides the proper environment. This aspect is what gives rise to the concept of karma There are attachments we take from previous lives that move into our transcendental mind because we fail to release the bound energy in that past life. That energy then has the potential to be released when conditions are correct causing us to revisit those past ways of being or acting.
Although the Physical Creation is only one type and kind of experience within an infinite number of other realities we can have, it is one that is best suited for seeing how we have created our reality through our attachments and what we hold onto rather than letting go. When we don’t let go, there is pain. But there is gift in pain. Our pain will reveal our attachment if we follow it back to its source.
The physical plane is a place of manifestation. That is, we bring our desires an physical experience by directing our creative life energy into physical manifestation by how we focus our attention and awareness. We are free to create and manifest whatever we desire. There is no judgment on what we choose or how we choose. Our body and its environment is our truth manifested. To understand exactly how and why we have created ourselves as we have we will need to make thenonconscious conscious.
To be a human being in Physical Creation is about expressing our consciousness physically. Or, alternatively said, we translate our consciousness into a direct physical expression using the materials available in Physical Creation. In this way we reveal the attachments we carry in ourtranscendental mind and enculturated mind. Including the attachments we need to create the experiences we desire to have, we also express any attachment we hold that can be expressed in Physical Creation if conditions are correct for their expression. How many of us have things seemingly pop into our life which has no association with our current life experiences such as extremely strong feeling for someone, something or some place we never previously experienced in this life.
The essence of the creative process is that our consciousness creates a disturbance in the fabric of creation by what and how we believe. Reality molds itself to what we believe and it creates an observer making an observation within a context of observation or within a particular environment. Our body and its environment is our truth manifested. Our consciousness is the observer of our body and the world in which we create or incarnate to have the experiences we desire to have. The three, the observer, observed and the environment of observation are interconnected and each one affects the others. The connection is at the nonconscious level, usually in the deep unconscious as opposed to the subconscious. We normally do not see the connection unless we choose to focus our attention and awareness so that we can see it or reveal itself to us.
The interconnectedness of the observer, the observe and the environment of observation, in turn, creates a feedback loop. Part of what any consciousness believes in any one moment is determined by the environment in which it finds itself. By changing what we think, we create a new disturbance in what we have created. The disturbance which is created materializes as an experience exactly into a form determined by the environment in which we manifest our energy.
Each environment will allow for an exact representation of who and what we are as can be supported by that environment. Some environment will be unable to support some characteristics or attributes of our being. Some environments will amplify others. We only need to look at what is created and the experiences we have within the environment in which we find ourselves to understand what and how we believe.
What this means is that in understanding our environment, we only need to look to our environment and the experiences we have within that environment to learn to understand what we believe for it accurately reflects who and what we are. By consciously choosing and watching what occurs, we can begin to explore any aspect of our being and our nonconscious mind that we chose.
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