entresacado del wall street journal... En el Golfo de México no les dejan ya, y se quieren venir a infestarnos el Mediterráneo. ¿Hasta cuando quieren que dure la Era Negra, la Era del Petróleo? La sociedad del riesgo adquiere aquí su versión más macabra, y más estúpida... Un millón de muertes humanas al año. Ecosistemas que saltan por los aires.
Países anegados por los desarreglos climáticos y decidme, hermanitas: ¿Qué pinta una ciudad veraniega a 40 grados de calor con sus calles llenas de coches semiatascados y semivacíos echando calor y calentando aún más el ambiente?
DUBAI—U.K. oil giant BP PLC is expected to start its deep water drilling operations in Libya by October at the latest, Libya's top oil official said Monday.
"They are delaying because of technical problems, they want to be assured that all the instruments are working well and they don't want a repeat of Macondo—it may take another two months at most," Shokri Ghanem, Chairman of ...
Comentando en "Mystic banana":
ResponderEliminarConsciousness means as consensus, "sensing with". But until recently, dominant brain-centered theories had forget our embodiement, within a body, and our embeded condition, within a ecosystem. It is the body who knows and feel, with and within ecosystem whatever it would be. This is the position of Embodied and Embeded Cognition, or Phenomenology. We have developed a new, symbiotic "server" to understand and practise all that: "mocoputomoco" server. This server is yourself, acting and perceiving in a integrated way, that is, including your brain, your body and your ecosystem. For that purposes, we call "ecobrain" each ecosystem, enhancing the integrated structure of our perception, thinking, and action systems. We kindly invite you to enjoy "sensosfera" too, after the "flesh" concept by Merleau-Ponty, which can be seen as the world of sensations...