sensory hickjack thanks to lance. The info we say the brain work with, is distributed across the old representationist barriers: the skull, the body, or the skin. That are illusions, mere illusions evaporating placidly in our glorious global science era, in the era of sensosfera. We feel from a we that are not mere whitish brains, but marvellous bodies and extense ecosystems. That all is what we actually are. When you think that you are perceiving echolocation, what is constructing, creating, recreating, echolocation is a complex and eficiente system where you, your mere brain, or your mere body, as supossed individual living here and now, is but only a "raya en el agua", una minucia. Algo así como si te enamoraras de un pelo, de un solo pelo de tu cabeza, y tanto lo adoraras, que formaras la de san quintin el día que tus proges decidan pelarte la cabeza, porque te tocaba. ¿Un pelo mandando sobnre toda una red compleja comunicacional, incrustada en el todo, que llamamos cuerpo, o persona?