lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Echolocation: Just-A-Gifted-Revolution in Consciousness

Free collaboration is wellcome to publish this scientific novelty. Probably we are publishing with teachlearners from diverse UMA courses. Please try via gugle within this blog or out. Echolocation is just (and was!) a universal feature of any ecosystem, and, for that, of any human individual too. This is so clear to (re)discover throughout our common (but sometimes unknown) everyday life. An ecosystem can be defined, arbritarily, as a interactive-echoes-network. It is almost the same to say echoes, or sensations...and also echoes is valid for any kind of waves...

Anyway, quantum mechanics is also called waves mechanics. In this way, a superbe increase of your sensorial consciousness, working throughout your everyday ecosystem... (also inside a room, or course) you will feel plentifully, that you are a quantum biologist. Because yor life is basically a waves dance. Many different types of waves, but, at the end, they are waves. and waves so on...

Waves in the air are not always visible to your direct perception.

But the opposity in water.

And water is in contact with air.

And this circunstance gift you and me the opportunity to feel and perceive, this connections inter-waves, that is, the communication between these two types of waves: in the contact between water and air.

It is raining, mildly, and a little wind moves from time to time. here you have a mix situation, in relation to the prevous commented cases.

You have soil, plants, buildings, glasses... and rain, a mild raining, and a little and sporadic wind. What more you need to feeling in that way we say...?

The mere process of narrating that text, is possible because I lived these circunstances some days ago. I live these circunstances and more, because I usually enjoy very much discovering new "special effects" working and walking within sensosphere. And so it is not to say that I lived these circunstances, but that I lived "and relived" these effects because for me, as for many other, consciously to maintain our (alert) attention during a certain time to that "special effects", is a wholy virgin experience.

The virgin experience is to look (at). The old experience (two-dimension world) is to see. There are very much diference between to look at, and to see. When you see, (ver) you maybe just observe a minimal number of all the diferent planes included in the complexity of the object. When you follow seeing, because you don't stop your attention, but the contrary, you decide to continue your "see action", converting a punctuated vision, (visionar) in a long, and deep process of looking at the object at many more planes that composed it complexity.

Imagine that you were observing a single object in a single situation. But imagine now that you were observing any object, for example, in night, in the windy and rainy circunstances spoken in this text.

Echolocation and sensosfera working (shamanic "acechar") demonstrate the transfinite dimension of the variables that compose all this complex system we call perception (we prefer transception).

Sentiments and Abstractions are "invasor species" in the sensosphere, as an ocean of sensations, perceived, phenomenologicaly, in pure states, before you begin to interpretate them.

Sentimientos y abstracciones son especies invasoras en la sensosfera, como océano de sensaciones, percibidas, fenomenologica mente, como estados puros, antes de que el observador/a comience a interpretarlas.

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