lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Please Revolution, Please!

Celebramos las primeras trescientas entradas en nuestro vuestro blog.

Para tan digno evento, se nos ha ocurrido ponerle un nombre, bautizar, de manera sucinta y comprensible esta fuzzy rewolution a la que venimos asistiendo en todos los campos sin excepción del conocimiento (científico; el popular es mucho más dinámico en sus aspectos de cambios y aprendizajes).(Científico por supuesto como término tan simple y amplio que significa lo mismo que conocimiento, una vez que las antiguas fronteras semánticas entre unos y otros (saberes "tradicionales" versus otros), fueron derribadas una a una en lás últimas décadas.

Y el pelotazo de hoy nos ha regalado una palabreja para resumir a la perfección, la revolución que se huele, se palpa en el ambiente, según y como, y de alguna manera, ya que para nada tratamos de trivializar la situación actual. Si hemos metido cashondeo y más cashondeo para compartir la Ciencia Contemporánea en sentido amplio, es porque la emoción es el vehículo por escelencia del aprendizaje-areñaje-aprendizaje.

(Ese "areñaje", es un regalo de la sincromagia= psicomagia+Karl.Young. Ha salido solo, con un poco de atención, lo cazas y antes de corregirlo tratas de explicarlo y de implicarte en el significado posible de ese supuesto "error", que deja de serlo como ustedes pueden apreciar en este espontáneo ejemplo, ya que "areñaje" sirve para explicar lo que la educación de la tierra llama "infusión". En las aulas del pasado, de este curso ya definitivamente pasado, lo que se da como conocimiento es una infusión del mismo, diluida, o más concentrada según los casos momentos etc...)


articulo para "Futures" una revista mu perita pa muchas csillas.-
Tíoh, Futures! copiarlo desde aqui si zus enteraish!

"From "Futures? No Thanks!" TO "Futures Comes Back, Please!


"Please Revolution, Please!" (alternative titles or "artitles")

From hundreds of scientific fields of knowledge the same discourse have been appearing from the depths of scientific magma, and consolidating minuciously, day to day, week to week, in hundreds of thousands of rooms and conversations all over the world.

Crisis means as Crisalida, the way by what one system reorganizes herself to accoumplish with the new arsenal of scientific knowledge, that, excepting esxceptions, has been "out of play" of societies and popular applications.

After one year of deppresion, or "decroissance", technicaly speaking, "decroissance", as our desires for efficiency, has arriven anyway...

Thus, we think that the point may be already surpassed in the desires of ecological economics to reach the level of percapita comsuption where we can sit down for ¿one year? and to celebrate that the machine, the terrific machine that menaced our survival, is going to frenar mas y más...

If, this level is already attained, we have meny reasons to celebrate 24 h music and dance in all towns and castros, (but without any decibel for athomic energy) all people if desire, danzing and making songs, during 24 h.

In this way we can follow the last success in Anti Irak War Demonstrations all over the world, but in this case we would join more people synchronicaly, because 24 hrs are 24 hrs.!

All the New Science converges in one thing:

Pleasure is the best violence antidote in the world.

Pleasure, emotions, are warrant of the efficiency in any learnig proccess.

POPSY (possitive psicology) is coming to DISCOVER! that were during the fifty years of life of psicology, only treating with maladies, not ever attending almost to the qualities of people in general as they are sued in the nowdays communication networks, fisical and virtual. And that the REPTIL-BRAIN is the secret for survival, the "Fluicidad", Flowing..., all the invest possible to a attention (reptil) state that is very efficient (20% neural system' energy consumption), because we all living beings have being investing thousand of millions years (of KurriKulum), and the result is, after to enjoy sensosphere, enjoy sensomatics too.

Sensomatics menas that in general 80 % of activities in human are "guasiauthomatic" (guasa means in spanish joke) because we would not have any need to give the minimal attention as active work, that is the pleasure of eternal meditation (Reptil-Brain),

We have four thousand millions of suns, of flowing, in the sinus of Sensosphere. Mammal brain is need from time to time. Bit if we add all the notable advantages, for our easy life, of a certain piece of the "modern" technologies...good of course.

The secret is symbiodomotics: not to deslumbrate our-self for a certain part of world maps.

Colective taxis are as urgent for reorganization of our northern communities as they are wholy vital for the southern communities that may be would provoke a big revolution if one political party would decide to take out of transport systems.

Mirror neurons are pure telepathy of 21 century science.

But they are not mirrors, only they are mirrors for mirror scientist, that don't have been still the opportunity to understand, and consciously enjoy, that living beings are transensors anyway...

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