Stop Infrastructures! hashtag: #stopIN (english, googlematic version)
No One More Infrastructure! No One!
To: Ministress of Fomento (of health, not korrupshions...)
This is a call to all sensitivities of this little world, without borders to be desired.
It is requested from and to the Spanish State, which opened government, to and from the Spanish state, drive this desire, many times postponed, because if many hearts vibrate with this territory, vote this request, legitimately expressed, as the new global democracy must necessarily include the wishes of all, to a territory, as the consequences, drastic filth of all these great works, Pharaonic and obsolete affect us after all, as the land system is a system, intranetworked, and if so, democracy would be that stupid, hiding within its borders (mere pipe dreams, just as obsolete), when all other boundaries, have jumped, afortundamante, in the air ... :)))
We wish with all my heart, and with all our strength, and all we can, we want not built INFRASTRUCTURE OR MORE, than before, look very closely by all social partners, across all infrastructure communication. No more "here and here I catch you I'll kill you", too, to continue destroying without rhyme or reason, useful homes in cities of the tsunami victims, which, as in Paris, demolition projects will be announced publicly and time in advance.
Every drop of cement and asphalt to fall, from now on, you must first be very well justified. We left our places of living conditions, which we hope will revert more to life, and want you to deasphalting and decemente, those minimal surfaces, for now, for this coming summer, our land under our feet, breathe and refresh us more.
And above all we want, that this petition, begin to implement the immediate arrest of all the facilities currently under construction. Pending clarification, judicially, all the circumstances surrounding its construction. Order to clarify the possible and very probable irregularities, incurred in the projects and studies, which have led to different actions.
The Spanish government has built, and increases the construction until we stop it, a model and very luxurious intraestructuras transport system, which besides being in the Guinness book, there is no country in the world can get to get from here to XXII century.
If the current facility, and reproducibility, and productivity of all communication networks, it is possible here on the night of kings, to get the world, at last put in orbit, and apply the rate of JUN, progress technology, we will have carried their babies, little girls, children, youth, viejóvenes, the best gift of kings inimaginabilísimo, as they have found that if your dad before congress went away, now may be you, "giving the nipple" as the great tit, which is the internet, only with computers, JUN style, we shall ipso facto abolished, thousands of overseas travel and very Gaston unusable oil, when today, the principle of InstantUniversity, says that any conference, can be flat in situ, without having to move away from home.
Oh, we olividaba, no one will lose his job, there are many alternatives to do, shoot edible seeds for every garden, collect water from terraces, massively increase urban gardens, learn to recognize edible plants that grow in sidewalk and corners, immediately implement a system of collective taxis (six seats), vans (16 seats) and minibuses (32 seats), complementary to what we have. And do not construct or a bicicarril (conventional) more, just paint, so cumbersome, as in Oulu, a signage at the beginning of each acerita, where a single small circle, includes a mother and child, walking to the little hand, with a bicicletita ... :))). Save, so, from the zeronomics, it's easy, and secure further that you want others to want, such as insurance you want, in all places of meeting or teaching, in this world of 2012, and in class, permanently, all are seeing themselves , automatically, all eyes on U, so also bring to the fabric of the class easy and wide freedom of communication, that give us the technologies, and on the way to go on forever, each share class Internet, with whom?, you eligiis ...
¿Che? While not sharing?
Signatories: ¿ELEVEN? ¿billions?
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