martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


1 comentario:

  1. comenting:

    Ecology was born with that great advantage of being holistic, of treating inclusional samples, as nested systems, or ecosystems, in order to prevent the previous lineal thought, used to separating and isolating ony a certain part of the system.
    Ecology, thus, treat with processes, linking that network we call ecosystems.
    The basis of information inputs, within ecology or any field of work, are sensations, captured by your own scientist sensorial devices, in order to be later interpreted, and developed.
    Sensations, or Qualia, shape the network of life we call “Flesh” (according to Merleau-Ponty). The world of sensations, that is the array of sensations you are living within, in a certain moment, of your life, we used to call IT: “Sensosphere”.
    Within Sensosphere you have any information system, or any system sharing with you your (knowledge) ecosystem.
    “Knowledge”, etymologicaly “co-gnoscere”: “to know-with”, imply that knowledge, basicaly, are implicit (in the action of living) knowledge, or and, phenomenological knowledge (exerience).
    Just in the experience (of living) knowledge is always present, just because any instant in your life you are sharing your body, as a information (sensorial) system, within another information (eco) system.
    The”recent” discipline of ecology (XIX century) it’s time now to contagiate, definitively, all the “lineal disciplines” where ecology was absent.
    “Neuroecology”, that is, the process of ecologising today (generaly) anachronic neurosciences, means enriching Neurosciences within the embodied and embedded phenomenology. Neurosciences aware that their subject is situated in a triple dimension: The Body (all), The Society, and The Ecosystem (all). In that way you think as a generalist naturalist, that can change their Castaneda “punto de encaje”, or point of view, or perception, among landscapes, people or bodies…
    Phenomenology, Neurophenomenology, and Autopoiesis, put us all in the great bifurcation of choosing the “pre-ecological” world, or the ecological one…In that case, ecology easily take us towards commons’ sense, and towards Shamanism, as a shared, and old, “hyper-common-sense”…

