In the origin, all our languages are rural or and indigenous ones. Our european languages have been very much studied about all that long history, that show how the first words, the oldest words, reflect clearly the language of matriarchy, of comunitarism, of sharing a language as a byproduct of sharing our lives.
It is urgent, for that reason, we would inmersing, intensively, in the aproach to language by means of etymologies. The oldest etymologies used to be onomatopoeias, as our masters, have been any doubt our colleagues, those social actors which 15M or occupy wallstreet, still don't consider as true, and ¡real! social actors, and actresses, all the life our landscapes offer each day for us, including urban ones too. They, all biodiversity around us, are actualy "Us", with capital letters, because they are who feed us (humans) with all our food, information, and all inputs, material, energy, we receive, from ecosystems, as living beings as we DO are. When subjectivation moves, overlaping, beyond our brains and bodies, all ecosystem, where we live, this powerful subject, enriched by paying attention to the "other" colleagues and SOCIAL ACTORS, becomes with the strengh, for example, of all the "REBEL BOTANY" (Botánica rebelde), as "those plants growing where growers don't want they grow at all". Plants growing in concrete, or paviments, in gardens, but as "savage" plants, that gardeners try a systematic elimination. Many of that plants are edible, and were cultivated in other times. They are old "cultivars", plants that have shared their growing and use, by many generations, specialy from women, establishing a eficient symbiosis, that today seems wholy forgoten.

Etymologies take you easily to families of words related on their history, and in this way, any knowledge process you develop with words, is automaticaly enriched, and easier, as you are more aware of the relationships among many words, that you didn't know they were interrelated!. It is good for learning languages, as many languages share many roots or and words. At the same time, seen etymology in diferent language help you to a broader idea about the words, and ideas, you use in everyday life. And as conclusion, all the words are so much interrelated, among them, that is the same as saying that ALL WORDS MEANS THE SAME. In fact, among diferent languages, there are so many diferences, that you observe at the end, so quietly, as the language is so flexible, and adaptable, that last century industrial education endeavour of trying to domesticate, not only our bodies (biopower), but also our words, fortunately, vulgar languages emerged again across chats, and multicultural anguage globalization. Maybe in Torremolinos, one child almost don't know english, but maybe she knows, apart, five diferent languages!

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