Evidently, and Etymologicaly, Spanish revolution is Well coming because Spanish Governments, PPSOE, have made the things very BAD, because EFICIENCY was absolutely absent. ¿How much Hungry planets as this we could save with the capitals employed in airports (already obsolete, being still, not used at all!), in motorways (we spanish revolutionaries, are the firsts of Europe in kms by inhabitant! and in Great ineficiency Train we are the world champions, in good correlation with the championship world also in gases de efecto invernaderro (esos años)
Now, but if we consider the secondary, and revolutionary effects, of that monstruous and terrible terrorism of state in spain, and you have in mind the passivity and complicity, of all that complex network we call static! institutions serving religiously to the state, and receiving their economic inputs from State, as research fundings, it is results so logical the coming paradox for the reclaiming of the "Academic responsibility" as a critical and etic discipline, against the "dreamers at the game of specialist science", a science without consciousness, that unafortunately, cannot be responsible, from that unafortunate state terrorism, exploding, "delante de sus narices"
El silencio de los carneros, de los investigadores callados frente a la crisis, se ha transmitido de generacion en generacion a los estudiantes, en aulas propiciatorias para un tal sacrificio de la consciencia mutua, en un circuito tan rectilineo que ese de los neutrinos se le queda chico, si somos caaces de imaginar la dimension planetaria, sincronica y asincronica, ahora que viene la navidad, de tantas sensaciones paralelas en tantas cuidades y lugares del mundo, y durante cuanto tiempo. Los borregos aprenden de los carneros su silencio, aunque el 15M ha rebotado con fuerza en las universidades.
Ahora que el adobo se ha hecho y rehecho, en cuanto a que la distancia prudencial no deja lugar a dudas, ahora que los numeros cantan, y que grecia italia y espein comparten crisis y superautomovilización forzosa de su ciudadanía, ahora si podemos decir como compensacion practica, de supervivencia, que queremos tras este caos, que ha sido obra de la prelacion del psicologismo y de la sicologia de masas del fascismo, inherente en el desarrollo de los acontecimientos, con el previo lavado masivo de cerebros, y despues con la ingenua idea de que ¿crisis? ¿qué crisis? ¡Si yo solo pasaba por aquí! (cuatro años menos algo, concretamente)...
O.E. god "supreme being, deity; the Christian God; image of a god; godlike person," from P.Gmc. *guthan (cf. O.S., O.Fris., Du. god, O.H.G. got, Ger. Gott, O.N. guð, Goth. guþ), from PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" (cf. O.C.S. zovo "to call," Skt. huta- "invoked," an epithet of Indra), from root *gheu(e)- "to call, invoke." But some trace it to PIE *ghu-to- "poured," from root *gheu- "to pour, pour a libation" (source of Gk. khein "to pour," also in the phrase khute gaia"poured earth," referring to a burial mound; see found (2)). "Given the Greek facts, the Germanic form may have referred in the first instance to the spirit immanent in a burial mound" [Watkins]. Cf. also Zeus.
O.E. god (with a long "o") "virtuous; desirable; valid; considerable," probably originally "having the right or desirable quality," from P.Gmc. *gothaz (cf. O.N. goðr, Du. goed, O.H.G. guot, Ger. gut, Goth. goþs), originally "fit, adequate, belonging together," from PIE base *ghedh- "to unite, be associated, suitable" (cf. O.C.S. godu"pleasing time," Rus. godnyi "fit, suitable," O.E. gædrian "to gather, to take up together"). As an expression of satisfaction, from early 15c.; of children, "well-behaved," by 1690s.
Irregular comparatives (better, best) reflect a widespread pattern, cf. Latin bonus, melior, optimus. Good-for-nothing is from 1711.Good looking is attested from 1780 (good looks by c.1800). Good sport, of persons, is from 1906; good to go is attested from 1989. The good book "the Bible" attested from 1801, originally in missionary literature describing the language of conversion efforts in American Indian tribes.
Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing. ["As You Like It"]
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