Ajjj Is jusd, & only "Siensia Gansa" (perdoname "comillas", pero esdo es pa saldar y no pará, jajaja!!! :)))
¡¡¡(#laGansci! gansa siense, gonzoscience, = gonsciousness, upwheavaling from US our animal-children #niñarky)
Maybe you felt "Glup"? or/and Glub, (Ggggonzolink) or maybe including Glwb, Glwp, or and, Glum? just these being, the most basic primaeval - primordial sounds, singed by we humanimals, from whose are being deriving... :))) ..,. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL our "solipsisticaly researched") sounds, from evidently (for a ecologist, studying, sound ecology of that bird, maybe if shi is specialist in "Biocultural diversity in imitative-and-mixed-or-"specific!!!", sounds from Avelira"), searching all sounds, being culdure or biological, as all are bodh, from deir begins....
separadion, dhus, were only a hypepareidolia widhin who gobern and deach, odhers,
see how many hours concendraded, as a fudure jurisd, and yu will have clear how we are so profussively are dalkind around pareidolia so maaaaaaaach! (and fifdh resuld in a general - local search)
((((:mega champion in (homenaje a verluschiououeui ui ni...) And yu what knew?, in telecinco victoriosa, supporting, scientificaly pareidolia analised, more for #reoccupyworld, and et al, that all the programs together, evictioneid by RTVE 24 horas, in synchronic yrs, from malaya, para acá...:)))
Avelira, so splendously cyrcus championship, whitout pissing under the columns, of any university (aut from book of la vida), what parvulario de shamanismo, you learn across, is merely touched, in many scientific, refereed papers, as a feather of a colibrí ((sound onomatopoeia!!!, surely greater % in vocabularies, in: indigenous, (past and present), vulgar, popular, enfant, "fools and desviates", than in formal, and mainly, scientific papers; and languages; no time for that, would be very oportunistic, within that South-SuperMarshall-(Des-)-programer: epistemologia del sur + buen vivir + sico-biologia positiva +..... converging in "Common sense's!", as if all antiselected, by socialdarwinism-laden Patriarchy, perfectly seen in recent world, anti-selected (selection against) would be forming, under our Wilhem reich "carcass", the escudo simbiotico, construido, como frontera, o barrera, proteccion, negacion de la otra parte, anulacion de "media naranja", que queda cortada, pongan ustedes la rebaná por donde les plaska...
ciencias letras? pues siensias letr8s!
ciudad y campo, pues ccuidad y kampus
biología vs sociedad, violojía recontr8 sensualidad
bueno, malo? mira shikitín, paeso solo tengo "borrosina", y averiguina lo que fuerina, esa borrosina cosina... llama a kosko, que no se koska, y a zadeh, que nunka sadeh, zin zu riñonera puesta, es que fué tan maravillosa y simplectica su charlita, junto a los mirlos cantando en el ejío, que ese detalle riñonero, no se me desrecuerda...
As we were negating, within our physical ! and scientifical!, reality, so much holes in noosphere-cheese, wre being made; more new technological devices, appearing, in 20 century, most were using anti anti selected for criminal state politics, firstly, for "others "(countries: the always South treasure for awar rapiñas), now we see also for Us, as the cerco, sobre el escorpion Europa se va cerrando filas, y la corrosion del otrora imperio, está echo una papilla, ya no responde, ni a toas las velitas por la virgen del carmen, bía asdardé, peldon, cuyo reflejo cristalero, y rejero, rectan, gulero, se alquimiza en Bahía, divisada así en un sacro mapa, el territorio y la madre tierra, de la primera diosa, que un día, cayeron los scientists, podían aplicar, sus antiguas ensegnaités, aqui en Europa, sin mirar si su esgae, de la tierra indigena, los pre-gaianos (antes de la eoria) ,despues de la pracica...
e gg6566655...ececera...sen cas qui lló la... lera que falda...
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