>January 14–17, 2010>San Antonio, Texas>>Call for Papers>>The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) is pleased >to announce its Sixth Sesquiannual Meeting to be held at the Hotel Contessa, >San Antonio, Texas (US), January 14-17, 2010. The Program Director is Steven >Rubenstein; meeting hosts are Richard Reed, Michael Cepek, and Javier Ruedas.>>SALSA is dedicated to promoting exchanges among scholars interested in lowland >South America, its contemporary and past peoples, cultures, economies, and >environments. Presentations may be made in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.>>The 2010 conference has been designed to promote a maximum of discussion and >interaction among participants. One of the main purposes of the conference is >to allow presenters to receive extensive feedback from colleagues. In order >to accommodate our growing membership, in addition to individual presentations >the conference will feature discussion forums. The purpose of discussion >forums is to allow many registrants to present research and receive feedback >from colleagues. A more detailed explanation of the format for this >conference can be found on the Society website at>http://www.salsa-tipiti.org/Conferences/salsa_2010_letter.html>>The 2010 conference will feature a coffee and snack bar available to >participants throughout Friday and Saturday, as well as Sunday morning, and a >special reception on Thursday night.>>Individual Presentations>The conference will feature a limited number (16) of 40-minute slots for >individual presentations. We encourage members to use these times to present >recent research findings and discuss material that will benefit from receiving >feedback from our members, with their diverse perspectives and experience. >The purpose of these slots is not to accommodate 40-minute presentations, but >to provide space for a shorter presentation and adequate discussion. If you >wish to present individually, you must register by November 2 and submit a 100 >word abstract.>>A New Experiment: Discussion Forums>To promote scholarly exchange, dialogue, and debate, we will highlight a >format that is new to SALSA meetings: four “forums” on specific themes. These >forums will allow members to discuss their work with a smaller specialized >group of interested scholars. Presenters will submit finished papers well in >advance of the meetings and will be provided electronic copies of other >papers. Forum time will be devoted entirely to discussing these papers. >Members who choose not to share material in the forum will participate as >discussants, bringing their expertise to the material in open discussion to >the papers presented We ask that all attendees take part in a forum, either >as a presenter or discussant.>>When registering, please indicate your first choice and your second choice for >forum, and whether you wish to submit a paper or act as discussant. Please >note that discussing is as important a role as sharing a paper. For funding >and reimbursement purposes, this means that ALL people attending the 2010 >SALSA conference will have an official role; discussants will be given >certificates attesting to their formal participation.>>To submit a paper to a forum, please provide a brief (100 word) description of >the paper you would prepare for your first choice forum, and an equally brief >description of the paper you would prepare for your second choice forum. If >you wish to submit a paper to a forum, you must register by November 2. >Completed papers must be submitted no later than Monday December 14 to the >Program Director >(https://gw.uma.es/webmail/src/compose.php?send_to=steven.rubenstein%40liv.ac.uksteven.rubenstein@liv.ac.uk>). Acceptable >formats are PDF, Word 97–2003, or plain text (.txt). All papers will be >distributed electronically to forum members and discussants to be read prior >to the meeting. Forum papers should be short, to ensure that participants will >read them all and because there will be ample time for people to expand on >their ideas. We recommend between three and seven pages, double-spaced.>>The four forum themes are:>> 1. Body, soul, state, and world market: integrating levels of analysis in >greater>Amazonia;> 2. Redefining language group and culture area: understanding the present and >past of lowland South America;> 3. From domestication and landscapes to perspectivism and consubstantiality: >rethinking the relationships between the human and the nonhuman in Amazonian >studies;> 4. Disconnecting/Reconnecting the lowlands and the highlands: rethinking a >geographic and analytical distinction>>Poster Session>Another way to participate in the meetings is through a poster session. We >encourage attendees to consider creative way to use visual media to >communicate to other scholars and to a wider audience.>>Workshops>In addition to the formal events described above, we will also schedule time >for four concurrent workshops to give members an opportunity for moderated >discussion and debate on current issues.>> 1. Whom (or what?) do indigenous organizations represent?> 2. If changing regimes of intellectual property rights affect the way our >informants talk about "culture,” how does all this affect the way we theorize >and study culture?> 3. What has happened to the indigenous-environmentalist alliance? Mac >Chapin’s ”A Challenge to Conservationists” and Shellenberger and Nordhaus’ >"The Death of Environmentalism” shook environmentalists at the same time that >indigenous people have become better organized – what is next?> 4. Indians, Sometimes-Indians, and Non-Indians: integrating different groups >of people/kinds of persons into a more complex understanding of ”Amazonia.”>>>>Participation and Paper Submission>>If you plan to present at a forum or individually, please register and submit >abstracts by November 2.>>Participation and paper submission forms are found below. Please note that >you should submit your paper titles, abstracts, or forum discussant >preferences to Program Director Steven Rubenstein >(https://gw.uma.es/webmail/src/compose.php?send_to=steven.rubenstein%40liv.ac.uksteven.rubenstein@liv.ac.uk>), while >conference registration and hotel reservations should be done through Trinity >University.>>Registration fees cover most of your costs during the meeting, include a >continental breakfast each morning and coffee and snacks throughout the day. >They also cover all receptions.>>SALSA Voluntary Fund>>As you may know, SALSA operates on a very tight budget, which we use to >publish our journal and organize our conferences. We have newly instituted a >Voluntary Fund. Please consider contributing to our Voluntary Fund. This >will ensure continued publication of our journal, lower membership and >registration fees for students, and the continuity of our beloved conferences, >as well as contributing to the creation of student awards and other future >SALSA projects. Credit card payment can be made via secure link on the SALSA >website>(http://www.salsa-tipiti.org/Information/voluntary_fund.html).>>>>>CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION AND PAPER SUBMISSION FORM>>Please submit this form to our Program Director, Steven Rubenstein, at >https://gw.uma.es/webmail/src/compose.php?send_to=steven.rubenstein%40liv.ac.uksteven.rubenstein@liv.ac.uk>>>Name:>>Address:>>E-mail:>>>>PARTICIPATION>>FORUMS (please indicate whether you will participate as discussant, or >whether you will share a paper. If you will share a paper, submit a 100 word >summary or abstract. The list of forum themes can be found in the call for >papers, above).>>First Choice_____________________________________________________>>Second Choice___________________________________________________>>Please note: we ask that all attendees participate in a forum, whether as >presenter or as discussant.>>INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION (Please submit a 100 word abstract, and let us know if >you have specific audio-visual needs)>>TITLE__________________________________________________________>>>>POSTER SESSION (Please submit 100 word abstract. Please let us know if you >will have specific audio-visual needs)>>TITLE____________________________________________________________>>
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