viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

World Scientists!

Where are you?

In a Body!

And where are you-body?

Where are you-embeded-body?

Within sensosphere...

Sensosphere: A Cybernetic Inmanent System


Cybernetic Curiosity in Children:

Children Thinking and Shamanism

Children Identity, Equality and Holistic Connection with sensosphere, open to akasik records, from their own individual properties, and their experiences, developed in those ecosystems.

Children Curiosity and Shamanic "Acecho". Diferently to the way scientists learn, those scientists, experiential subjects experiencing sensosphere, we call shildren and chamans, have in common the physical quality of their experiences in the Living World, just their bodies, throughout a free pleyade of functions, or operations, where movement and change are vital, take a diversity of information from sensosphere, fron their surroundings, that are very very diferent from the experiences of scientists.

It is the peterpan heart of scientist who is responsible of their creativity attacks. If you try in wikipedia, to look at Einstein biography, you will notice that it is cat by many areas, because Einstein, in only one body, include the extremes of the bipolar adjustment that that system, tried to imposing.

Einstein is the worst student and the most creative.

Einstein is the most creative and the worst student.

I think that one century of exploting the "science" of Einstein is enough.

I think science it is time to apply all the science of Einstein.

I think Einstein, and all their capabilities as a human beings, coul be a guay example, for considering in actual science, definetely, the fundamental role of the subject, or our bodies! in the way of unification sciences, unify reflections, and see things in easier ways.

I think Einstein biographical fuzzy censorship (or censorchip, just Einstein being only a chip within noosphere, notwistanding how our own debility in relation to the cult of personality...) show the urgence to stop that horrendous psicological prison where so many students, children! are because their so-called hyperactivity syndrome.

I think Einstein today would understand the urgence to take all the children out of another prison.

I think Einstein, living in the child, or shaman, present inside yu and mi, would stop urgently that demoniac prison, where thousands of millions people are subject.

I think Einstein would understand that the easiest way to evaporate crisis in hundreds of years, is one simple, and symplectic! change.

Here yu have the diference between simple and symplectics.

Simple would seem to change the Fascist Psicology (and Biology!) of Masses from hierarchical classrooms, in order all people and society gaining in knowledge, eficiency of knowledge, democracy, etc....

Symplectics, in that case, would be all the laberintic thinking and writing, and conversing, with so many people, about that classroom vital subject. All that info acumulated, now permit us to explain the things, in a better, and scientific! way.

Symplectics smell so much to common sense, that all that work about classroom may be considered as the distance, from common sense, towards the imaginario de la casta dominante de cientificos y gestores.

Todo ello adobado con el gracioso echo de que tanto en la vida cotidiana, (mucha más niña) como en toda una extensísima gama de educación alternativa. Donde por cierto incluimos, inclusionalmente, toda la nueva era, que usa metodos muy complementarios de la educacion alternativa. Con lo que nueva era y educacion alternativa forman una funcion noosferica nu-e-d-al, nuedal, como una nuez dentro de un dedal, un meollo, cuya accion sinergica ha conducido a que ahorita estemos proponiendo que la tan experimentada, pues diversidad de aprendizajes y formas de comunicación, con toda ella ya se imaginan que hay donde elegir, pues que todo ese chorro de aire fresco canalize de una vez por todas. Y masivamente. hacia las universidades e institutos.

Children increase akasik records, or noosphere, acording to the diversity and novelty of expressions, experiences...

Education 2.0 developing their biological-and-expression powers, in order to becoming an adult (not adulterated!) where children capacities are not reduced, or repressed, but channelised...

Rincón de la Victoria. paseo marítimo. Niños jugando en la arena. Al otro lado del murito, papas y demás tomandose una caña. usted observa a ambos grupos. Adultos (mas o menos) y niñas/os.

El cuerpo niño toca, palpa arena, hierb, caña, cristal cortante incluso. Si no hay cerca un adulto, la niña puede tocar y jugar con un cristal roto. En ese momento aún no hay en sus archivos akasikos eso de "cristal no".

De hecho la otra anecdota surge en esa surgencia llamada Alto Atlas. Suffiane me lo encuentro en la salida del pueblo, junto a la escuela que se está construyendo. El primer edificio que lleva cristales en las ventanas. Y me lo encuentro jugando con un cristal, y un poco de pegamento. Ambos memes desconocidos hasta la fecha en el pueblo y alrededores. Y él, que es un cazador. Un cazador, como todas, de diversidad, se va, claro!, hacia lo que decimos, "le llama más la atención". ¿O es que creéis que el cuerpo es tonto?

Al pasar la curva del morlaco, el autobus del rincón enfila por el paseo marítimo. Y se abre al amplio mar bahía océano. Y de pronto me doy cuenta que todo (es un decir) el mundo cerca mia está mirando hacia allá. ¿Es casualidad? ¿Es que sus cuerpos sin tontos? ¿Es que la vista es muy romantica, acaso?

Lo que simplemente ocurre (el tramajo simplectico con la sensosfera nos lleva a resumirlo en una idea simple) es que así, se carga de bits.

Un atardecer ¡Oh qué bonito!

Nó señor!, Es que nos recargamos de bits. De información. Y al cuerpo se le van los sentidos hacia donde le interesa, para cargarse, con el mínimo esfuerzo, y máxima eficiencia, de lo que a mano habemos.

We come from understanding that the construction of a sucessful Global Science is based on the possibilities to apply all the knowledge in complex systems, to construct bridges among disciplines. As the nimber of bridges, os sharing memes, among disciplines, are increasing, more dynamic is the learning and living of the discipline, and Global Science will be more easy to approach, and thus more applied.

We come also to know that a special super glue meme (we call thus mimi) has made her appearence, her birth, as a sharing meme.

Mindfulness is a MIMI, a shared new meme, or sharing meme, amon several disciplines, all of them are now flying, as a cloud of flies, around another too close meme, a mitical meme, at least for that cultural minority we call west: CONSCIOUSNESS.

Phenomenological consciousness, children consciousness, shamanic consciosness, indigenous consciousness, popular consciousness, community consciousness, ecological consciousness, systemic consciousness, biosemiotics consciousness, biological consciousness, plain consciousness, all that ways to see consciousness sharing, ¡That was the question!, both: etymological sense of consciousness, and the common sense of consciousness. And more: commons (spanish común, sociedad, comunidad) sense of consciousness. Think at the moment in the sharing sensorial info within a community anywhere. Two person talking in any place are just sharing, not only their eco-brain (the ecosystem) but also: the sensations dancing in all directions in front of their own sentient bodies, ataviados con el bello mkoptomko.

All that consciousness types or perception have in common the EXPERIENCE.

All are based directly in experience.

As direct, vital, perceptual experience were becoming less and less within the more and more abstract conventional western science,

All that basic tools for life, seemed in a paradoxical situation.

Western wandering science had lost the basic tool for survival, survival both, the own science and our own civilization, just because other multiple cultures in the world, coming from by default knowledge systems, where consciousness were made more evident across experience.

Western scientist looking for consciousness, seemed as sonambulous people having lost their connection with physical sensorial world.

Such a point of sensorial blocking showing nowadays scientists, that one guy was saying in a blog that "Echolocation is only a rare capacity among blind people".

Did those scientists ask to their body?:

Does echolocation exist?

And hear your body saying to you the annssswwwweeeeerrrrrr......

The reason utopia becoming fortunately commons' sense, and or phenomenological democracy

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