sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010


Con Crocco, de Buenos aires, tratábamos de perfilar hace años un "paper" sobre el cerebro reptiliano... Cuando me ví envuelto en una curiosa pero no rara abducción, que me mantuvo durante meses "Outside"...

con los años me encuentro que el cerebro reptiliano es la estrella de la sicologia positiva del fluir. Esta renacida sicología parte de la sunción de que llevaba, la sicologia, sus 50 años de historia, sin ni siquiera contemplar la observación de la gente sana como forma de conocimiento sicológico. Eso para darnos cuenta de hasta que grado el espíritu problematizador se nos había colado en esta subcultura western occidental. Por otra parte descubre la sicologia fluyente que ese ronroneo que llamamos pensamiento o comecocos, no es la base del funcionamiento cerebral, neuronal, o corporal del ser humano. Entonces llega la inolvidable hora de defenestrar al pensamiento del cerebro, para que este deje de estar fuera, de estar defenestrado. O defenestramos al pensamiento continuamene acelerado o defenestramos al cerebro. Entonces el lagarto anda quieto en su piedra al solete expectante tranquilo mirando y percibiendo con sus cinco sentidos (o sinestesia). Por cualquyier lado, inopinadamente, puede aparecer cualquier cosa. Atención alerta. Mindfulness ¿como se dirá en ruso o en chino mandarino? y en sanscrito? Y ya pa rematá la faena el gueno de punsetillo suelta que el inconsciente es mucho más importante que el consciente, que no hace falta pensar todo el rato, que ese tapon del pensamiento continuamente acelerado te tapona enormes posibilidades de elección de vivires, al aflojar el mindfulness del cerebro reptiliano que también, como matiuskas, está dentro nuestro. Y los reptilians? Qué gracia? Será una abducción "de emergencia" como una llamada a nuestra reptilidad para salir del atolladero?

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Artist's depiction of a reptilian

Reptilians (also called Reptiloids or Reptoids) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in modern ufology and conspiracy theories.[1] Alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures.[2] One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who bore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests.[3]

According to British writer David Icke, 5 to 12-foot (1.5 - 3.7 m) tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases in Hollow Earth, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at humanity.[4] He claims that the reptilians maintain their control through the generation of fear and negative emotion, which is food to these entities, by manufacturing conflicts, primarily wars.[citation needed] He contends that most of the world's leaders are in fact related to these reptilians.[5] Icke's theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he frequently gives lectures to crowds of 2,500 or more.[6][7] American writer Vicki Santillano ranked the notion that "Reptilian humanoids control all of us" as the 10th most popular conspiracy theory.[8]

In the closely fought 2008 US Senate election between comedian and commentator Al Franken and incumbent Senator Norm Coleman, one of the ballots challenged by Coleman included a vote for Franken with "Lizard People" written in the space provided for write-in candidates.[9] Lucas Davenport, who later claimed to have written the gag ballot, said, "I don't know if you've heard the conspiracy theory about the Lizard Men; a friend of mine, we didn't like the candidates, so we were at first going to write in revolution, because we thought that was good and to the point. And then, we thought the Lizard People would be even funnier."[10]

Skeptics who adhere to the psychosocial hypothesis for unidentified flying objects argue the popularity of V, a science fiction television show, which debuted in 1983 and restarted again in 2009, about an invading alien race of reptilian humanoids disguised as human beings trying to take over Earth, may have significantly contributed to ufologists and conspiracy theorists adopting beliefs in the existence of reptilians, as well as making the wider public more receptive to embracing them.[11] Brian Dunning suggests that a 1934 Los Angeles Times article may have been the origin of such beliefs: it reported that a geophysical mining engineer claimed to have discovered subterranean labyrinths beneath Los Angeles to an underground city built by an advanced race of “Lizard People” to escape surface catastrophes some 5000 years ago.[12]

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